Animal Speak- the Bear

bear-animal-british-columbia-canada-natureThe primal energy of Bear is a powerful Totem. During the days of western expansion and settlement, stories of the great grizzly bear that lived in the mountains of the west abounded. Movies have shown this ancient being as sinner and savior, devourer and protector. The bear is one of the oldest of animals. Cave drawings and ceremonial skulls show how early man venerated the great animal. Due to it’s physiology, the birthing process of a bear was long held to be magical. It was believed that the cub was born as a shapeless mass within the hibernation cave or chamber, and during the long nights of the winter cold the mother licks the cub into shape. It has only been until recently that the full process was understood. Even now, with our modern technology it can be weeks to months following the birth of a bear before the sex is known. Many a frustrated zookeeper can tell stories of how long they had to wait to be able to actually see the cub.

Bear is primal power. Associated with the North, even the stars hold evidence of our ancestor’s reverence for the power of this great animal. The constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor show the bear as she ambles across the skies. The seven stars contained in Ursa Major have links to the seven great rays of the Divine. Bear guides us to the North Star. In high places and simple pleasures bear shows us the joy of life.

polar-bear-swimming-water-diver-white-blue-clearIn some places Neanderthal man venerated the great bear. In Switzerland caches of bear bones indicating sacred ceremonies or rites were found and dated as early as 65,000 years ago. The Lascaux caves in France, nearly 20,000 years old, also show the bear in a ceremonial state. The headless model of a bear awaits the “crown” of head and fur. In Neolithic age sites in Northern Britain jet amulets in the shape of bears have been found. In an Iron Age burial a chieftain was laid on a bear skin to spend eternity.

Some scholars believe that Bear was the first totem animal. With Neanderthal and Early Modern Man living in caves, a meeting with the cave bear was inevitable. Bear was the closest to man in many ways. Bear ate many different foods- the fish of the waters, the bugs and worms of the earth, the flowers and berries and nuts of the plants, and the meat of the animals that walk upon the earth. Contrary to popular belief, Bear is not truly a raging carnivore. Instead Bear is more of an opportunistic feeder, enjoying the bounty it finds by following the guide of its sensitive nose.

grizzly-bear-dangerous-animal-wild-life-canadaBear is the survivor. The grizzly, hunted nearly to extinction in the American west is making a come back. Along the Rocky Mountain corridor the Grizzly is seen more and more frequently. Even David Letterman can’t escape the power of Bear energy…his Montana cabin was broken into by a bear. Throughout their active period the news media is full of articles and vignettes of bears interacting too closely with humans. With a disappearing natural habitat, the Bear finds sustenance how and where it can. A true omnivore of the first order it will eat anything. Normally though, Bear doesn’t become problem to man unless there is a reason. Bears become conditioned to finding food around humans.

Bear is primal power personified. Her name is used as the base root of the “berserker” warrior. “Ber-serker” can literally be translated as “Bear Warrior.” Various parts of the bear’s physical body have been used for medicinal or spiritual purposes. The teeth were thought to be potent charms of power and protection. Eastern medicine used many parts of the bear for healing purposes.

bear-cub-animal-tree-young-garden-summerWhether the white bear of the frozen places, the massive Polar Bear, China’s mysterious and beautiful two-toned Panda, the Kodiak Brown Bear, or a Grizzly, the Bear walks the continents with primal force and power. Independent and normally living a solitary life except when mating or rearing young, bear has long been worshiped by man.

Artio was the Bear Goddess, the Primal Mother. With her is Artaios, the Bear God, mighty warrior Arthur, the Pole Star of Ursa Major. The Bear’s connection with sovereignty is obvious in the name association. Nearly everyone has heard of the Once and Future King Arthur who ruled over Camelot. Celtic heroes paid each other the highest of compliments when they called one an “Ar an neart,” which is translated as a bear in vigor.

grizzly-grizzly-bear-bear-baer-bears-canadaBear’s time as a totem seems to be as old as mankind itself. With her feminine energy, primal power, connection with the seven rays of the divine, and her reputation as the perfect mother Bear’s connection to the North calls us to go into the night. In many cultures Bear is the keeper of the dream time. It is through the association with Bear in her Cave that you can go within and find your higher self, your primary self.

In alchemy the bear is the symbol for the primary state of matter. Even the biblical David did battle with a bear. Although seen as cruel punishment now, medieval and renaissance man found bear baiting to be a viable entertainment. Some origination stories are focused on the bear – for both the Ainu of northern Japan and the Algonquin Indians cherished the bear as an ancestral figure.

From the time before memories man has walked with Bear by his side. For courage, strength, maternal instinct, care for women during childbirth, maternal instincts and motherhood, to light his way across the northern skies, to warm his body, and to challenge his soul; man has looked to Bear across the millennia.

bear-braubbaer-grizzly-pets-animal-restIn some Native American traditions Bear is aligned with the intuitive or West side of the brain. Bear Medicine calls you to go into the cave within and reclaim your power of knowing. Bear Totem is strong and her power can overwhelm you if you don’t understand her intent. Bear knows herself. She knows her range…where the best berries are, when they are ripe. She knows when new animals cross into her territory. She moves at her own pace and tests the wind before she chooses her direction. Her energy is receptive. She knows how to make a feast from worms and grubs. With Bear choosing you to carry her Totem you are sure to be able to find your path through the cave into the inner realm of personal knowing. Seek Bear when the difficult choices are at hand. She will help guide you to your inner knowing and wise choices.