The Fourth House: Home
Fourth House Ruled by the Sign Cancer and the Moon, it is the House most concerned with domestic is where the heart is. In the Zodiac, Home is represented by the Fourth House. Ruled by the Sign Cancer and the Moon, it is the House most concerned with domestic life. Studying this house and planets residing there can teach us much about how we interact with our parents. In an age where adults are more and more caring for aging parents, knowing why we react to certain parental stimuli can help us to control it. In the caregiver situation we recommend that you not only study your Fourth House, but it might be helpful to study the Fifth House of your parent (which deals with children) as well.
The Fourth House is where to look to see if that *perfect* boyfriend is aMother’s Boy or not because the Fourth House has a direct correlation to our relationships with our mothers specifically. Comparing the Fourth House (ruling domestic life) between yourself and perspective roommates or partners helps you know in advance where the energies in the relationship may lay and could help to avoid costly mistakes.