January 21st to February 19th
“When the Moon is in the 7th House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, Then peace shall guide the planets and Love will fill the stars….”
An entire generation heard about astrology (beyond the daily horoscopes in the local Newspapers) from a group called the 5th Dimension and their hit song, Aquarius, quoted above. Because of this Aquarius is probably the most well known sign in modern day America. The song symbolized the feelings of a generation. Aquarius the ultimate sign of friendliness!
The constellation for this sign is the Water bearer. The water bearer is shown pouring the gift of water from the skies, representing creation and the giving of life. From the water bearer comes the free flowing energy of equality and creativity.
You attract people to you with your easy ways and charming personality. You are full of hope in every situation and seem to be the one to point out the silver lining behind the clouds. People turn to you when they need an emotional uplift. Aquarians are fantastic at ideas! Learning to capitalize on this natural trait is important, because once you’ve had the idea you’re ready to go on to a new one.
You happily release your ideas to others so they can pick up the ball and run with it. Having the idea is the important part for you! A job in a “think tank” may be the perfect place for an Aquarius. Not too interested in the nuts and bolts of making something happen, you’d rather expand your focus to the big picture and come up with more ways to make it a better picture.
Your perchance for lively conversation and artful debate sometimes takes people aback. You may take a position in the conversation you don’t necessarily believe in, but for the sake of the argument you’ll be happy to defend a position for the fun of the debate.
You are people oriented. It is very unlikely that an Aquarian will be without a wide and varied circle of friends. It’s not that you can’t be alone you just prefer to be with people…to watch, learn, and enjoy.
Patience is a trait that Aquarians hold in strong regard. They understand that people are people with all the foibles and fabulousness that involves. Accepting people for who they are keeps you in motion ranging through your wide group of friends.
Aquarians do well in such professions as politics, or getting involved in social issues. You can become rigid in your thinking once you form an idea, but that perchance for debate saves you here because you will listen if others take the time to show you where your line of thought might be faulty. You quickly rebound from irritations and are again ready to show the friendly Aquarian face to the world.
Aquarians would have their best romantic relationships with either a Gemini (sign of the Twins) or balanced Libra. Taurus and Scorpio would be problematic for you because you would see the personality as stodgy and less than warm. For you, the warmth and strength of your opposite Leo may well be a good match, but you need to be careful as your air may well cause the flames of Leo’s fire to burn a little too hot!
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Aquarius, the Waterbearer
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The glyph for Aquarius is easy to understand. A simple set of wavy lines. These wavy lines have been associated with a wide range of things. Primarily it represents the flow of water for abundance. It is also said to represent the human ankle in motion. Aquarius rules over the circulatory system, shins and ankles. The lines are also thought to represent the electric current of energy, universal thought, and, because of its heavy association with water, the wisdom of the future.
Ruling Planet:
Uranus, the Ancient Greek god of the Sky was considered to be the first Ruler of the Universe. It was not discovered as a planet until 1781. Astrologically, Uranus is considered to be the planet of change, unexpected events, and invention. One of the relatively newly discovered planets it also rules over modern science.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Representing the community and interlocking of mankind, Aquarius’ friendly nature and caring for others is an important part of the Aquarian personality.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites came from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. Aquarian energy is the receptive feminine energy. Your natural charm and ability to go with the flow is created by your ability to recognize the appropriate path for yourself and gently plot your course to take you where you want to go.
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from fiery Leo. Leo, represented by many as the sign of personal pleasure and creativity is in direct balance to your view of hopes and ideals, especially on the large scale.
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. Aquarians are a fixed sign. You are who you are and, inside, you really don’t change much through the years. You’re the one everyone can depend on to be pretty much the same at the class reunion! You’ll still be recognized because the inner you is solid, stable, independent and you hold firm opinions.
Dominant Keywords:
I know. And, well, you *do* know. You are quite capable of going within. Whether you are commiserating with a friend, raising your hand in class, or speaking up in the board room, you know.
Most Likeable Trait:
Friendliness. Your kindness is nearly legendary. Your sign’s “Age” became the symbol of peace, love and hope for a generation. Normally easy going and not letting much get to you, lively and open, you put people quickly at ease.
Lucky Day:
Aquarians would do best to start new projects, job interviews, or even blind dates for mid week because Wednesday is your brightest day!
Think like Achilles – beware you heels…shins and ankles! Aquarians are prone to accidents in this part of the body. Varicose veins and hardening of the arteries can also be dangers for the Aquarian. Regular doctor visits and check-ups will help keep you in top shape appraised of what’s best for your health.
Cities and Countries:
Travel calls to open minded Aquarian. It involves meeting new people and looking at life differently and most Aquarians are all for that! Maybe it’s time to splurge. If you’re looking to do some serious long term travel, try Russia, Sweden or, Ethiopia. Short visits to just a city should include places like Stockholm, Moscow, Salzburg and, of course, your “name” city, Buenos Aires.
Although many think that water is your element because of the strong association of water with you sign, actually good Aquarius is an Air sign. Hence your capability for long-term and forward thinking; easily seen by those around you.
Uranium. Not exactly something you want a ring of, but the fact that it is traced and tracked all over the world should tell you of its importance and power. In the nuclear age Uranium is a necessary part of our lives, although in a remote context. Alignment with this metal will help you understand the complexities of life and how to react to those complexities in a positive way.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
The Amethyst is your magical birthstone. Wearing this stone will help you stay focused and grants the assistance of bringing faithfulness in relationships and allows the attuned Aquarian to truly have the gift of prescience.
Stones of Power:
Aquarians wanting to work with stones should look to aquamarine, the black pearl (remember, the pearl can only be made in water), and chrysocolla. Either wearing, handling, or just researching these stones and their qualities can help you learn more about yourself and help you to connect with the you within.
Special Color:
Sharp electric blue! The color of the clear bright sky on a summer afternoon is best for you. Whether wanting to put your best foot forward or just choosing the right color for a new comfy afghan, look to the brighter blues to brighten up your day.
Aquarians are graced with an association with one of the most beautiful flowers in existence…the orchid is the flower for Aquarians. So, if it’s an Aquarians heart you want to win, a spray of orchids might be a better choice that a bouquet of roses to show how much you truly care. The thoughtfulness will be appreciated by kind-hearted Aquarius.
The bounty of the fruit trees are aligned with Aquarians. Nourishing and nurturing, Aquarian energy can always find the bounty in life. Money doesn’t grow on trees, but fruit does!
Aquarians rule over the large birds who sail the skies. Appropriate for the majesty of the great raptors and/or sea birds – the albatross, the condor, eagle and crane! The high places (both of thought and residence) are theirs to command. Aquarians can easily tap into the energy of these birds which also helps them see what’s coming up ahead.
Myths and Legends:
The legends of water bearers are ancient and mean more than is told. Water is the giver of life. Whether referenced in modern literature of today or in in the stories of the ancients such as Ninhursag, John the Baptist and Ceucalion the lessons for water bearers are in these tales. Water is the life giver, water is required for life. Our greatest scientists look for it in the other heavenly bodies of our solar system. It is essential to the survival of our species.
Famous People:
Famous people abound who are born in the sign of Aquarius, Many are gifted diplomats, statesmen and leaders. They have shown us new ways of thinking. Some famous examples are: Susan B. Anthony – Clark Gable – Thomas Paine – Tom Brokaw – Abraham Lincoln – Ronald Regan – Mozart – Franklin D. Roosevelt – Charles Darwin
Uranus is the first of the modern planets. For the predominant amount of man’s history on earth, the planetary orb only went as far as Saturn. The planets at the outer reaches of our solar system needed better scientific instruments to be discovered.
The discovery of new planets allows for further development of the celestial relationship of “as above so below,” giving more depth and breadth to the interpretation of charts. Uranus lends a new attitude to the charts by being able to align a specific focus on individuality. Uranus’ energy helps much to create the way you express yourself.
Dealing with aspects such as originality (the mark of a true individual), and rebelliousness Uranus can be somewhat fickle and unpredictable. Found by Sir William Herschel in 1781, this new planet wasn’t even verified as a planet, a true celestial planetary body, until a year’s careful observation proved the appleage of “Planet” more appropriate. Its name went through several permutations before finally resting with Uranus. At one time it was named for the discoverer himself, and the honor granted Sir Herschel is seen every time you look at the planetary glyph for Uranus.
Uranus can have you marching to the beat of a different drummer and he’s pretty good on that snare! The energy Uranus provides is forward thinking – modern science, invention, revolution all look to Uranus for energy. On the negative side unexpected occurrences and events can be caused by an over-abundance of Uranus’ changeable energy. Uranus calls across the night sky challenging us to accept our individuality as we merge with the mass of humanity.
The Eleventh House: Community
Here in your Eleventh House you find the answers to your social life issues. Whether wrestling with your social conscience or wondering if you are applying enough energy to your relationships or trying to find the best way to reach out to the wider community around you – social or work – it is to the Eleventh House you should turn to for guidance. The Eleventh House speaks of how you deal with the larger community of mankind as a whole.
The planets in this House will do much to determine your attitude toward your social life and your social conscience. If you’re in the midst of making a major life change (divorce, career move, physical move, etc.) look to this sign for ways to make the change a smooth and easy one. Remember that even though you may not have any planets appearing in your Eleventh House, that doesn’t mean you are automatically a hermit who shies away from the rest of mankind. It just means that you can use the clear messages that the ruling sign of Aquarius and planet of Uranus provide.