March 21st to April 19th
Aries, the Ram, which starts off the Zodiac year, is strong with traits like determination to boldly put themselves forward. Rarely will you find a shrinking violet in the sign of the Ram. Aries are the life of the party – charming, witty, and good conversationists they are sure to liven any social affair. Watch out though, the Ram can have a temper and has no problem hunkering down and butting heads.
Not normally one to back away from a personal stance, they can change their minds when shown it truly is to their (and everyone else’s) benefit. Aries is ruled by Mars (the God of War).
A Masculine sign, Aries grants those born into it a bold, strong will and personality. With a Fire element to boot, you can bet there is always a strong fire waiting to burst forth from Arian embers – passion – in all things! is one of this sign’s stronger traits. Whether the fires of sensual passion, or passion for a hobby, you can be sure once you have fanned the flames of an Aries’ fire, you’ll have their full attention.
Red is the color associated with Aries. Anger and passion share the same color traits…that old saying about a thin line between love and hate. Aries may put themselves first, but if you don’t mind following their lead it’s usually a great journey. Active and energetic, it may sometimes tax your strength to keep up with an Aries in full gear. Normally optimistic and seeing the bright side of life Rams sometimes miss those things that are hidden in the quiet corners or details.
For an Aries there is always a new day, a new tomorrow, and a new direction or course in which to travel. Rather than hunker down and fight the battle, you may find your Aries friend or partner just throwing in the towel and walking away. That’s not saying that once a Ram commits they won’t see it through. Idealistic, sometimes authoritative, and always running the mental gears an Aries brings much to the other people in their life.
Aries rules the head – the area of the mind, the third eye; the head contains three (throat, brow, crown) of your Chakras. Many confuse Aries capability or recognizing that which no longer serves them and moving forward into a new reality for themselves as instability or inconsistency. Anyone who has watched how sure-footed the Ram is as he climbs the high mountain slopes adjusting his path as he goes, can see the same trait in the Aries personality as they react and change decisions to new information they receive.
Compatibility wise, Arians would do best to match themselves with either a Leo or Sagittarius. Linkings with Cancers or Capricorns could be challenging and problematic. If you’re the type who believes opposites attract, check out Libra, Aries’ Zodiac opposite.
The Ram. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding the Ram can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these quick fact statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if the Aries personality will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Aries, the Ram
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The glyph for Aries is a Ram’s head. It is representative of the prominent horns and nose line of the Ram. It alludes to the eyebrows and nose of man. Since Aries rules the head, it is appropriate that the glyph for this sign can also be seen as a minimalist sketch of the human head or face. In the ancient symbology, the glyph represents two half moons that have been joined by a straight line. This was thought to indicate the individual would have a tendency to idealism which is tied to authority and leadership.
Ruling Planet:
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Named for the Ancient God of War, this planet has strong influence in the areas of stress, tension and accidents. Ruling over both the element of Fire and the aspect of danger Mars can be a difficult ruling planet. Aries however, knows how to deal with this as it is their norm, taking in stride what others would find very difficult. Mars’ influence can always cause aggressive feelings especially during times of conflict.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. It begins the new year astrologically and speaks of new beginnings. This also is emblematic of the Aries perchance for better starters that finishers.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries carries a masculine duality. This means that an Aries may well show more forceful and projecting attitudes rather than soft and receptive ones.
Your Polarity is Libra. The polarity is truly a situation of opposites. Aries is a sign of the self (and there’s nothing wrong with that!) while Libra is the sign of ultimate partnership.
A Sign is either: Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. Aries is a Cardinal sign making it active, energetic. Maybe even excitable and impulsive; if there isn’t anything going on, Aries usually knows where to go to find some fun. Aries tend to be more optimistic and open to change than most other signs. Aries, due to their Cardinal association and a masculine duality, enjoy getting out and about and having new experiences. If you know an Aries who is down in the dumps, a new experience – a ride through a new area or dinner at a new ethnic restaurant – may be just the thing to pull that Ram out of their doldrums.
Dominant Keywords:
II am and Initiative. These keywords are especially important when looking at the realm of employment for Aries. Some people get a job and stay there forever. The Aries personality is more likely to need a change in either duties or position, or even employer if things get dull. Aries is a good initiator. An Aries personality is a good one to get things started and going. Aries, as a leader, would make a good project manager for a short term project. But if tied to a long term situation the Aries personality may feel a little caged in when they want to roam the high rocky places.
Most Likeable Trait:
Aries is courageous to a fault. The Ram truly will rush in where angels fear to tread.
Lucky Day:
Your lucky Day is Tuesday.
The main danger with the Aries personality is their susceptibility to harm from fire (remember Aries is a Fire Element Sign) and from sharp instruments (masculine energy). Aries tend to have a more than average number of accidents involving high or excessive speed. Because Arians live more in the moment, looking at life before them, they can sometimes allow themselves to get caught up in situations that can be either dangerous and/or violent. By balancing the most likeable trait of tremendous courage with a sense caution the smart Aries can maneuver even the most treacherous of rocky outcrops with ease.
Cities and Countries:
The following cities and countries are associated with the sign of Aries. If you’re an Aries looking for someplace new to travel, or if you are making plans for an Aries, the following places are full of Aries energy and are sure to let that Aries energy shine to it’s best advantage! England, Germany and Poland are countries not only rich in history, but also are full of energy of the world moving forward into tomorrow. Travel in these countries would appeal to those born in the sign of the Ram. If you want to do an intensive visit in a specific city to help charge Aries energy Florence, Naples, Verona and Marseilles would all be good choices.
Aries are linked to the element of fire. Known for it’s association with aggression and passion, fire’s energy helps to kindle Aries’ creative nature.
Iron is the metal most commonly associated with Aries. Iron is an old metal and carries great wisdom. If Aries takes time to think they usually are quite capable of creating the future they want to happen…providing it keeps their interest long enough.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
Aries zodiac birthstone is the Diamond. Known for attracting love and representative of both financial and romantic aspects of life, a Diamond is the stone for the Aries person – male or female; Christmas gift or wedding band…Diamonds are a strong influence on Aries. They are considered to bring luck and positive energy to new endeavors for Aries when worn on the left side of the body.
Stones of Power:
For the Aries, especially those wanting to work with either earth or crystal energy, Bloodstone, Carnelian and Ruby are probably the best stones to start with. Aligned with the sign of Aries it may be easier for Rams to “connect” their masculine energy with these power stones.
Special Color:
Red! What else? With Aries, there’s always some fun and excitement just around the corner if it isn’t in plain sight. Also representative of anger, the red cautions the more gentle personalities to beware butting heads with the Ram!
Geranium, Honeysuckle and Sweet Pea
True to their prickly nature, Aries are associated with all thorn-bearing trees.
Aries rules all sheep, especially rams.
Myths and Legends:
Those born under the sign of Aries can find roots of their sign’s meanings and associations in the ancient myths and legends. Besides the obvious association with Aries, the God of War, there are other more subtle associations such as those with Jason and the Golden Fleece, Hercules, and Artemis.
Famous People:
FNot only is it fun to see who shares your sign, but it helps to look at them and maybe see some of the good (or bad) about yourself that you either want to capitalize on or alter to fit a better course. Here are some people who were born with the sign of the Ram (you’ll find it interesting that for most of them only one name is needed).
Bach – Houdini – Nimoy (yup, Leonard) – Brando – Elton John – Diana Ross – Chaplin (Charlie) – Eddy Murphy – Vincent Van Gogh
As you can see, this list typifies the creative energy found in the Aries personality. From acting and theater to music and painting, creativity burns deep with the fires of those born under the sign of the Aries Ram.
Mars, The Red Planet. Sounds like a bad 1950’s science fiction movie, doesn’t it? Man has long postulated about what might be there. It has only been in the most recent past that we have truly come to know this celestial neighbor. Scientists are still analyzing data from the Martian rovers and will be for years to come.
In mythology Mars is the God of War. Worshiped by Warriors to give them strength in battle, worshipped by women who wanted revenge or to win or to simply have her man come home, Mars has been a prominent figure in the night sky and the lives of humans living under its starlit canopy. When you think about the association to war, and by extensions, the soldiers who fight them, the traits that Mars rules are easy to remember. First and foremost a warrior must be fit emotionally, physically, and mentally. To be otherwise is to risk the death of yourself or others It’s hard work slinging a sword or an M-16 around, walking all day and then setting up camp only to tear it down in the morning and do it all over again. Physical drive is important to a Warrior. He must be willing to push himself. He must have energy reserves and strength that he can tap when needed – hence he must have a strong physical drive.
During battle many warriors called on their clear, rational, cold and caluculating anger to get them through. The Ber-serkers went “crazy with anger” during the battle – obviously an excess of the principle, but it does make the point. There is considerable research done on the intense primal sexual connection between people who are put in life threatening situations. Mars also speaks to us about our assertiveness in our life and situations.
Mars provides us with the energy to achieve our goals. Look to the Red Planet for finding reserves of energy. It is also here you should look if you are letting things get out of control or balance in your life.
The First House: Self This house is considered by many people as the single most important house in the Zodiac because it rules the self. It reveals the personality. Who you are and what you will become is found in this House. Your health, attitude toward life, motivations, temperament and physical characteristics are ruled in the First House of the Zodiac.
A study of any planets that fall within the first house of your chart will help you to understand the many aspects of your personality. The planet said to Rule the first house is Mars. If no planets fall in your First House you can learn much about your inner personality by studying this fiery planet. More insight can be garnered by reading about the sign of Aries which is aligned with the First House.