June 21st to July 22nd
Cancer is the sign of the Crab. The crab is an unusual being as it carries its home with it when it travels. Whether the mighty Alaskan King Crab which crawls along the murky depths or the red crab which makes the annual migration across the island to reach the wet surf to mate and procreate.
Receptive and sensitive, Cancers are known for being emotional and caring. If you’re getting involved with a Cancer in a romantic relationship remember how important emotions are to this person. Although the exterior of most crabs are hard, the interior is soft flesh and organs. The shell protects the Crab, and one of the pitfalls for those born in the sign of the Crab is to crawl inside their shells too quickly. Shy people are often found born in the sign of the Crab.
Normally intuitive many Crabs are strong empaths who work in the New Age Industry.
Long associated with the sea and the waters, Crab energy is always strongest near large bodies of water. Crabs enjoy the home life, but every once in a while is sure to crawl out of the shallows and dance on the beach in the surf, clicking claws in the air!
The associations with Cancer are that you always need to look because there is a lot more going on there just below the surface. Cancers are giving and loving, but most need an emotional grounding in order to be their best. The thinking and emotional processes of Cancer people are usually far deeper and more intricate than others. Due to this complexity and intricacy they can be somewhat fragile, especially when caught unawares (think of how the water sprays from the wave as it hits the surf!).
Once a Crab has given you their loyalty, it is a gift you will carry for a very long time because once given rarely is Crab’s loyalty removed. Due to their emotional nature, Crabs tend to ride a roller coaster of emotions as they go through life. Although today life may suck and everyone stinks, tomorrow is a new day and Crab’s mood will change. Crabs are quick to cry at movies or get misty-eyed watching the elderly couple walking together in the park. Living in a sea of emotions, they share their feelings without restraint…normally in a warm, loving and caring way!
Relationships, obviously, are far more important to Cancer personalites than anything else. For the best chance of a good match, look to those born under the sign of Scorpio or Pisces. Challenging relationships could well develop with a Pisces or Virgo personality. Your opposite is Sagittarius which could leave you feeling alone.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting to helping plan a Crab-friendly vacation spot!.
Sign Name: Cancer, the Crab
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The glyph for Cancer is emblematic of the claws of the crab raised in defense. Another allegorical meaning of the symbol
is that the inner circles represent nipples while the outer curves represent the curve of the female breast. Ancient symbology puts the two circles as representative of the sun which are connected to crescent moons. The moons
represent Cancer’s perchance for storing memories and possessions. Tying the moons are circles that represent the energy that emotions and imagination can generate.
Ruling Planet:
Cancer is ruled by our closest celestial neighbor, the Moon. Many born under this sign are called “Moon Children.” In some ancient cultures children born during this time were considered to be able to see beyond the veil. Closest to us, the Moon exhibits a tremendous force…it is the pull of the Moon’s gravity upon the waters of the Earth that causes tides. Linked with water, the receptive energy of the Moon may well indicate strong intuitive skills.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. It completes the cycle of elements and begins the second round of the cycle of Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites came from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. As a water sign ruled by the Moon, it would be difficult to imagine Cancer energy as anything but feminine. Whether you are masculine or feminine in physical gender is not the issue here. It is the receptive, passive, and accepting qualities normally seen in the Crab personality that are seen as feminine.
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Cancer, being the Goat – Capricorn. Where Cancer carries the sign of the home life, Capricorn rules the public life.
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. Cancer, as a sensitive, imaginative and sympathetic being can be nothing but what they are…a
Cardinal Sign. You can fade into the wood work when it suits their fancy, but normally Cancers don’t mind center stage.
Dominant Keywords:
The best phrase for you is “I Feel.” Whether it is emotions about your own situation or feeling for those far away suffering a disaster, your natural capacity for empathy and caring make “I Feel” the keywords for your sign.
Most Likeable Trait:
Loyalty – plain and simple. It may take some time for your emotional nature to warm up to someone fully, but once you do and give your loyalty to them, it’s rock solid. They can take that to the bank. Your friends know they will have a Cancer on their side for life!
Lucky Day:
The best day for Crabs to wave their claws and put their best foot forward is Monday (named for the Moon).
Because of their love of home life, Crabs tend to be prone to accidents within the home. Further, because of their tendency to collect and horde, they are prone to be victims of theft.
Cities and Countries:
The following cities and countries are associated with the sign of The Crab. If you want to charm your special Crab mate with a fantastic honeymoon, try a visit to the Canals of Venice, Amsterdam too would be a good location. Of course, New York with its five boroughs and so much water traffic is also a good place. When looking for a country for your Cancer child to write a school report try recommending Scotland, Holland or New Zealand – these countries will spark the imagination of the Crab.
A being of the Water you move easily from situation to situation, but you have no problem raising your claws in defense when challenged. Your association with the water is also seen in the emotional realms.
Silver, the metal most associated with the Moon, is also the metal for Cancer. Seen best in the glow of moonlight silver has long been a metal of power and beauty – either in its natural state or worked by the hand of man.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
Pearls were thought by many cultures to have the ability to change good luck to bad. During the Renaissance pearls were believed to be a curative for poisons. Even today beauty secrets include the luster and beauty of ground pearl. Crabs, bringing the bounty of the sea, saved many a coastal town from starvation by providing sustenance. The Crab is strongly aligned with the pearl, a “stone” that can only be formed in the watery realms.
Stones of Power:
Besides the obvious Pearl, Cancers should look to Moonstones and chrysocolla for trying to work with stones. Wearing a Moonstone was thought to give the wearer the ability to see through lies. With Cancer natural intuition, it’s no wonder why!
Special Color:
Of course, silver and sea green. Think of the mist of the spray of the ocean on the night of a full moon. You don’t have to have seen it. Just close your eyes and imagine it. Silver is the color of the Moon and the name “sea green” describes the color of the seas…that pretty much says it all. A great gift for a Cancer friend is a sea green scarf or tie.
Larkspur and Acanthus are the flowers associated with the Crab. It should be noted that the Acanthus has been used to symbolize fertility, richness and fecundity. (Think of the number of eggs laid by the crab!)
It may seem strange to associate the Crab with a tree, but the connection truly isn’t difficult. Crabs are associated with all trees rich in sap. For example, the birch and maple trees have been harvested for centuries for the rich sap they provide. Turned into sugars, syrups, wines, beers and a variety of other consumable goods, the sap of the tree is the liquid representation of the bounty of the seas manifested on land.
All animals with shell coverings are associated with the Crab. Not just crabs, it includes a wide range of living beings, those which have an exoskeleton.
Myths and Legends:
Long a foodstuff of those living by the waters, the crab has held place in many tales and legends. Hercules and the Crab, the myth of Asherah and that of Hecate may all help to understand the Crab personality and symbology.
Famous People:
Here’s a sampling of the level of achievement that a Cancer personality can attain. Here are born some of the greatest in their fields!
Alexander the Great – Yul Brenner – Lena HorneLouis Armstrong – Sylvester Stallone – Ernest Hemingway – David Brinkley – Neil Simon – Nathaniel Hawthorne
Emotional energy is some of the most powerful energy available. Science can measure the increase in adrenaline and other compounds and chemicals in our body in response to different emotional stimuli. Cancers believe and can achieve!
The Moon has been the Earth’s constant companion for millennia. The great beasts of the Jurassic looked up at the Moon probably much larger appearing than it is today. Current science believes the Moon was created in the early days of Earth’s history when the planet was struck by a very large object. Although the definitive creation of the Moon has yet to be proven, it has been a friendly mentor in the night skies since man has walked the earth.
The Moon has a direct effect on our planet. It is the Moon and it’s gravitational effect of the vast watery expanses of our planet that create the ebb and flow of tides. When out, whether a sliver, crescent, quarter, half or full Moon, waxing or waning, it is the primary feature in the night sky. The Moon is the only other celestial object that is sometimes seen easily in the light of day.
The Moon rules the night sky. The nighttime, when we sleep, is associated with the subconscious self. Those innate unconscious habits that make us who we are often understood better when seen by the light of the Moon. The Moon is just as constant a companion as the Sun.
The Moon represents that which you know but may not understand. The Moon holds the truth of your inner yearnings. The Moon knows the secrets of the subconscious self and it is often in our dreams at night that we “see” the secrets Moon can reveal.
The Moon does not actually produce light of its own. The light we attribute to it is a silvery reflection of the Sun’s golden glow. This is emblematic of one of the Moon’s messages – all may not be as it seems, remember to look below the surface. The Moon also talks about your hunches, intuition and primal instinct. Look to the Moon for a better understanding of your deeper innate self.
The Fourth House: Home
Home is where the heart is. In the Zodiac, Home is represented by the Fourth House. Ruled by the Sign Cancer and the Moon, it is the House most concerned with domestic life. Studying this house and planetsresiding there can teach us much about how we interact with our parents. In an age where adults are more and more caring for aging parents, knowing why we react to certain parental stimuli can help us to control it. In the caregiver situation we recommend that you not only study your Fourth House, but it might be helpful to study the Fifth House of your parent (which deals with children) as well.
The Fourth House is where to look to see if that *perfect* boyfriend is aMother’s Boy or not because the Fourth House has a direct correlation to our relationships with our mothers specifically. Comparing the Fourth House (ruling domestic life) between yourself and perspective roommates or partners helps you know in advance where the energies in the relationship may lay and could help to avoid costly mistakes.