May 20th to June 20th
Gemini is the sign of the Twins. You are misunderstood by many as they do not understand the truthfulness of the duality of your nature. Energetic and active, you normally have more than one thing going at a time.
There is a axiom among astrologers that you should always schedule double the time for an appointment with a Gemini – this isn’t a negative statement about the Gemini personality – it’s a reflection of how much in the mind they do live. A Gemini is sure to ask questions, inquire, wonder, discuss and debate.
The adaptability of those born under the sign of the Twins is shown through tales and legends throughout the ages. There aren’t many sets of identical twins who didn’t “trade places” to get over on friends or teachers in schools across the country.
Remember that the Twins, because of their duality and ability to process more than one thing at a time, are exceedingly adaptable to new situations. Geminis may well find it difficult to stay on a job for more than 4 or 5 years and then they start experiencing itchy feet. If not manifested in the employment sector, this desire for change and adaptability to work the chaotic energy of change to their advantages is sure to get “itchy feet” for new experiences to recharge their batteries.
Communication is key in a relationship of any type with a Gemini personality. Self-expression and doing things “their way” are important to Gemini but they do so many times by following the path of least resistance…and that’s not a bad thing.
The questing and questioning are an essential part of your nature. You don’t necessarily want to know how something works; you’re probably more interested in the mind-set that developed the device. You enter into life with complete abandon at times, committing yourself to the step before checking to see if there is a pitfall ahead.
The pitfall many times with a Gemini is that by living too much in the mind, asking too many “what ifs,” and letting thoughts run rampant can cause personal stagnation. So, don’t let the “what if my wardrobe choice isn’t perfect” keep you from going out and enjoying all the bright lights and strong positive energy of a new club, movie, museum or bookstore!
The Compatibility Factor While never 100% sure sometimes it helps to know what signs one is compatible with. For Gemini relationships would be best with the balanced Libra or strong Aquarius. Pisces and Virgo could present a challenging relationship situation. Your opposite, Sagittarius, may well understand you better than you expect.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Gemini, The Twins
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
It is easy to see the direct correlation between the Roman Numeral II and the glyph for the Twins, but the allegory actually goes back much further. The Twins are depicted in the constellation as either reaching towards each other or propelling each other away. The ancient symbology of the glyph is that the top and bottom lines connected with the two parallel vertical lines indicate wisdom and learning. It was believed that the powers of the mind and the ability to be able to synthesize information and create abstract thought were represented by this symbol.
Ruling Planet:
As Gemini is considered to be the sign of the Communicator, it should be no surprise to see Mercury (messenger of the Gods) as Gemini’s Ruling Planet. We see signs of Mercury today every time we see the FTD florist emblem…those wings on his feet were the wings of Mercury to speed him in his travels as he carried messages between the great Gods. Mercury is believed to control the areas of travel, and – of course – communication.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Gemini is the Third Sign of the Zodiac and as such is the sign of Communication. Gemini represents the last of the first cycle of Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed associations. Completing the tetrad begun with Aries and bridged by Taurus, Gemini is the first of the Mutable signs.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites came from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. As a masculine sign Geminis are more than willing to put themselves forward. As a communicator you have no problem talking to people. Whether in the grocery store talking to the next person in line or talking to “yourself,” you are never bored.
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Gemini. This doesn’t mean you’ll butt heads. More honestly, folks in the sign of Sagittarius are also people who live more in the mental realms. Where Geminis look inside the self, Sagittarians extend that to a less focused wider level of higher thinking and philosophy.
A Sign is either Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable. As a Gemini your sign is Mutable. (Sounds almost like something in a courtroom, doesn’t it?) Don’t let that get to you. All that means is that you have the capability to adapt to situations and occurrences with relative ease and aplomb. As a Mutable sign you are willing to adjust, go with the flow and let the energy of the stars provide.
Dominant Keywords:
I Think, and “The Questioner.” Your inquisitive mind is much like #5 in that robot movie…’input input input.’ Input to feed the mind…questions and thinking Geminis are very much people who spend a lot of time contemplating in the mental realm!
Most Likeable Trait:
Your most likeable trait is your responsiveness to others. When a friend calls on Friday night and asks if you want to go to a movie, you’re probably up for it. You’re also someone that those you care for can rely on. Whether responding to invitations, conversations, human compassion or any other aspect of life, the key is Geminis Respond!
Lucky Day:
Those born under the sign of the Twins are luckiest on Wednesdays. If there’s a new person to “get to know” a nice luncheon on a Wednesday will ensure you are at your peak performance to receive the new input coming your way.
Gemini’s tend to be prone to accidents while traveling, especially when traveling by air. That’s not to say Gemini’s shouldn’t fly, but hey, book the flight for a Wednesday when you can…couldn’t hurt! Because so much goes on behind the scenes (i.e. in the mind) of a Gemini, others may perceive you as fickle or inconsistent and then you’re unprepared and don’t understand where the negativity is coming from. As a Twin, Geminis tend to believe that others know what is going on in their head.
Cities and Countries:
The following cities and countries are associated with the sign of Gemini. With your vivacious masculine energy associations to cities like London, San Francisco, Melbourne and Versailles are right up your alley!! It’s not surprising that traveling in the countries of the USA, Wales and Belgium would be great energy boosters for Geminis.
Geminis are an Air sign. As an Air sign you are communicative and intellectual. You like to look deeper. A great debate is just your thing! The
realm of the ethereal thought is where you are at your greatest strength. Geminis are known for being able to think their way out of sticky situations. If a friend just fell into a bucket of crud and came out wearing white and smelling like lavender and roses…well, they are probably a Gemini!
Mercury is the metal aligned with Gemini. Although very dangerous, mercury can flow like water in the liquid state, seeking the lowest level, constantly. Mercury is also bright and considered by many to be a metal of energy and action.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
Your magical birthstone is the Agate. This stone has long been associated with the gift of gab, purportedly bestowing
eloquence to the holder. This eloquence is said to be especially pronounced when talking of love relations. This multi-colored precious stone would be a good amulet to wear on a first date as it protects against deception and falsehood.
Stones of Power:
Amertrine, citrine, emerald, spectrolite, and tourmaline are all good stones for Gemini’s to work with. As an Air sign working with the stones may be a little uncomfortable, but although your primary element is Air, each sign, by its very existence carries a little of all the elements.
Special Color:
Bright orange appeals. My mother was a Gemini. In the late 1960’s she marched on down to the hardware store and bought “carpet” for the newly remodeled living room. The “carpet” was a collection of peel and place tiles that were each a square foot of the brightest burnt orange you had ever seen! Although yellows and magentas may please, it is the orange that calls to the Gemini soul.
Lavender and Lily of the Valley are flowers associated with the sign of the twins. When wanting to spoil that Gemini partner, try a nice hot bath with lavender salts!
Gemini’s are affiliated with all nut bearing trees…walnut, chestnut, oak and more.
The duality of the Gemini is also carried through to the animals it is aligned with. First, the Gemini is aligned with the brightly colored birds. Not the dun brown common warbler maybe, but definitely the Cardinal and Stellar Jay who both have vibrant coloring; the Peacock as well. The other association is with the butterflies. (We had fun with our 3 year old grandson this year showing him all the pairings in a butterfly – there are so many pairs you can get lost!)
Myths and Legends:
Associated with the tale of the Twins Castor and Pollux, twin energy of Geminis can be better understood by examination of that tale, or, if you’re into a more modern reference, try Peter Pan..
Famous People:
The parts of the body which Gemini rules tells much about the sign. Ruling the nervous system (which includes the brain), hands, arms, shoulders and, most especially, the lungs, Gemini controls the upper torso. The alignment with the lungs is shown by studying the careers of several from this sign who have made their living by communicating.
Clint Eastwood – Bob Hope – (thanks for the memories!) – John F. Kennedy – George Bush – Josephine Baker – Cole Porter – Donald Trump – Jacques Cousteau (Hail, Calipso) – Gene Wilder.
Mercury is the smallest of the inner planets of the solar system. Its orbit around the sun is completed in a mere 88 days. Known as the evening star in the early spring, and the morning star in late fall, it was thought for millennia to be two separate stars.
Mercury, as messenger of the Gods gives strong indication of this planet’s meaning in astrology. Mercury rules your intellect and communication. Mercury reminds us that communication is not just speech and hearing. Communication is the assimilation of all the input at that time. Mercury controls how you react to that communication and/or input.
Ruler of rational thought and practical thinking, Mercury’s effect is felt most strongly with how you interact with the world around you and communicate with it. Mercury, by controlling communication, controls the connection to the inner self and the subconscious (which is called “sub” conscious is called such because we are unaware of the thought process, it happens “sub” or below the surface, we cannot easily tap into it). Hence Mercury controls the communication of the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and physical touch around us and carries those messages to the inner self and the subconscious self. Once received, with rational assimilation of the information, we can interact with the outer world.
Those who are wanting to become more in tune with their physical body would do well to study the Mercury’s effect on your sign.
The Third House: Communication
Communication! If you know a chatterbox who just can’t seem to leave quiet space alone, they probably have an overabundance of planets represented in the Third House of the Zodiac. The Third House relates to matters of the
extended family. Ruled by the dynamic pairing of Gemini and Mercury, the Third House is much of your personal foundation. It is here you should look to see if your mental attitude is being affected by happenings beyond your control.
It’s in the Third House that a working mother should look to see if now is the time to take a few courses or go back to school, because it is within the Third House that one finds their attitude about school life. The importance of appropriate and proper communication is well displayed in the musical “My Fair Lady.” Taking a “gutter snipe” and turning her into a woman with excellent elocution and deportment shows the duality of nature given by Gemini.
Communication can change our life. Be sure to study your planets in this house (or Mars if none of your planets fall here) so that you can capitalize on the gifts of communication and family!