July 23rd to August 21st
Leo is probably one of the more recognized signs of the Zodiac. Many know the standard associations with the Leo personality – wanting to be in the limelight, center of attention and all that jazz. And, somewhat you are correct. But that exuberance is often misjudged as self-centeredness.
The negative energy found in Leo can be explained in two words “too much.” Leos are creative and generous, sometimes to a fault. Some Leos find it difficult to take a back seat in a situation, not because they have to have the front row, but a lot of times because they have a better idea.
Leos know how to be comfortable. They appreciate the personal comforts in life and your Leo friend’s den is probably representative of their excellent taste. On the Leo’s couch you will find the fluffiest pillows – in the newest of styles. Having excellent taste and a quick creative mind, Leos can be easily bored if the subject isn’t to their tastes.
Enjoying a good snooze is very appropriate past time in most Leo’s world! However, once a Leo’s interest has been captured it is held for a long time and cat naps become few and far between. Leos are willing to throw themselves into what captures their interest with all the exuberance of the lioness on the hunt, being great energy to any project.
Sometimes fiery and dominant, Leos don’t normally intentionally steal other people’s thunder, although at times it may seem that way. Leos appreciate physical comfort, but emotional comfort is important to them as well. Always lively, normally upbeat, and full of creative ideas Leos are great friends who can always bring fun into whatever it is you are doing!
Leos are strong in themselves and their emotions, and as such need strong partners. Those born under the sign of Aries or Sagittarius would be Leo’s best matches. Their supportive energies combined with Leo’s proactive tendencies make a strong team. Challenges appear quickly in relationships with either Taurus or Scorpio. Your Opposite, Aquarius could well help you build on your creativity with their large scale thinking.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Leo, the Lion
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The glyph for Leo may at first seem confusing until the symbology is studied. First, it is the Greek symbol for the first letter of “Leo.” The curved line also alludes to the two valves of the human heart. Ancient symbology puts it as two incomplete circles of the Sun which are joined by a crescent Moon. This symbolizes power garnered from emotion and intellect.
Ruling Planet:
Leo is ruled by the Sun, the closest Star to our planet. We can see the intense energy of the Sun in the solar flares, protuberances, and the solar winds; not to mention the fantastic images of power coming through from SOHO. The sun burns with intense fire, supplying the Earth with the necessary energy to sustain life. Bestowing the traits of vitality and authority in its warming rays, the Sun is the most powerful of the planetary influences.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Leo is the 5th sign of the Zodiac. As the Fifth sign Leo begins the rotation of their cycle through the elements. It’s connection to the Sun continues with it’s associated element of Fire.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites comes from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. Leos are positive masculine male energy at its best. Leos are powerful and expansive in their personality and themselves. Their positive forcefulness and genuine personality gets them through many situations less forceful personalities would quail in with shining colors!
The sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Leo is Aquarius. Where Leo is focused on creativity and pleasure, Aquarius carries those traits to the outer realm of higher aspirations of mankind. Where Leo will figure out how to make himself most comfortable; Aquarius will find a way to make it more comfortable for everyone. Paired together they create a nearly unbeatable team!
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. Powerful Leo is definitely a Fixed sign. Once he makes up his mind to do something, it is nearly impossible to hold him back. Not willing to be very negotiative on the main, Leos tend to be dogmatic and fixed in their opinions.
Dominant Keywords:
Nothing else but “I WILL” would serve for Leo. It is through your desire that you can and do make things happen, it is through your *will* that you create your reality.
Most Likeable Trait:
There’s always something going on. With a Leo in your life, it is never dull. Whether coming up with games to play with the songs on the radio or throwing themselves wholeheartedly into parlor games at a baby shower, wherever the Leo is, laughter and fun are sure to follow!
Lucky Day:
Leos, subject to the Sun, by extension are aligned with Sunday for their lucky day. This makes Sunday a good day for new projects, planning, strategizing (okay, well as close to strategizing as a Leo gets – you are known for doing things on the spur of the moment)!
Due to their exuberant natures Leos tend to provoke people without realizing they are doing so. To the Leo it just seems like the right thing to do or say, they can be totally mystified why or how someone could have taken offense. Leos can be a little overbearing and challenging. This tendency of not seeing warning signs in others can get Leos into uncomfortable scrapes. Leos seem to be a prime target of the slanderous words of others because they are not afraid to put themselves in the forefront.
Cities and Countries:
Leo nature, Hollywood is there! Besides the city which grew with the silver screen, Damascus, Prague and Rome are long associated with the Lion. A Leo would purr contentedly at a vacation touring the wineries of France or Italy, or even looking at the old historical sites of Romania.
A fiery Leo is just that – a sign of Fire. Impulsive, quick to flame, long to linger once the flames are started, Leo embraces it’s element of Fire. Their gregarious nature and outgoing style attract people to their inner light.
Nothing but the soft warm glow of polished gold for the Leo. Although a Leo may understand and appreciate the glory and majesty in a gold nugget, the typical lion would prefer a finished piece. Creative by nature they are appreciative of the creativity of the gold smith!
Magical Birthstone Stone:
Some say that long ago the ruby was associated with the Lion because their eyes glowed red. Others put the link to the red
blood of the prey on the fur of the giant feline after feeding. Wherever the association originated, the ruby is the magical birthstone for Leo. Protecting against unfaithfulness and personal injury the ruby can help the inattentive Leo to focus and achieve clarity of mind.
Stones of Power:
Unlike your magical birthstone these stones are the stones for you to use when working with crystals or stone energy. Topaz and Sardonyx are the perfect jewelry gift for your favorite Leo.
Special Color:
Only the colors of the Sun itself are bright enough to represent this courageous sign…gold and orange are colors sure to make Leo shine.
Although complicated themselves, the flowers associated with Leos are simplicity and complexity incarnate – we all know them: Sunflowers and Marigolds. Remember the life sustaining quality of the sun (and the sunflowers). Leo’s association with these flowers shows how Leos shine at all levels, high or low.
Leo is linked with the orange tree and all other citrus trees, but the orange is the most direct association. If you have a Leo friend who is down in the dumps, a small basket of brightly colored citrus fruit may be the perfect pick-me-up.
Felines all, large and small! From Snow Leopards and Snow Tigers, Mountain Lions and Panthers, to Jaguars, Bobcats, Lynx and the common household cat, Leo has an affinity with them all. The traits of pride and independence run through all these animals as well as the Leo personality!
Myths and Legends:
As one of the “older” animals there are myriad myths, legends and fables linked to the lion. Aesop’s fables have many cats within the tales. The Great Sphinx has the body of the Lion. Lions have guarded gates in the flesh and in stone for millennia. Loyal, steadfast, strong and exuberant, Lion is a magnificent animal and brings to those of its sign many of his majestic traits.
Famous People:
Some say that Leos suffer from an “overabundance” of personality. Although they can be overpowering at times, maybe even misdirected; their tenacity, force, and will are a power to be seen.
Madonna – Mae West – Peter O’Toole – Mata Hari – Fidel Castro – Napoleon Bonaparte – Ray Bradbury – Cecil B. DeMillie – Annie Oakley – Robert Redford – Leon Uris
The Sun Many of us don’t even think about the effect of the Sun in our lives except for checking the weather factor (well, you are wearing your SPF sunblock, right?). Sun worship of one type or another was prevalent throughout the ancient world. In ancient Egypt Ra, the God of the Sun was one of the first to be worshipped in a monotheistic manner. The Sun fills our skies with morning light and gives us hope for the new dawn with the beautiful sunsets it creates as its warming rays of light interact with the atmosphere of our planet.
We can see the effects of the Sun even at night. Anyone who has been awed by the beauty and majesty of the Aurora borealis (Northern lights, which also have a southern counterpart) has seen the effects of solar activity on our atmosphere. The Sun warms us. The Sun brings forth the green vegetation of the earth. The Sun is, like the element water, a giver of life. A plant turns the sun’s energy into food through photosynthesis. This process creates the base of the food chain for much of life of earth.
The Sun is the closest star to us by an unimaginable amount of space. The Sun is the anchor of our solar system. It’s heart. The Sun’s gravity holds the planets in their orbits. The Sun easily knocks out communications when sun spot activity hurls ejecta out into space. It is only the magnetic field of Mother Earth that protects us from the harmful rays. This is also the place the Sun holds in Astrology.
The Sun represents the heart of the person. Freud would liken the Sun to the ego. The Sun can teach us much about who we think we are. It is the Sun and the energy it provides that grants us our vitality and strength. Its light and warmth are vital to our well being. Over two million Americans a year are treated for the disorder SADS through light therapy with full spectrum lights which best mimic the sun’s natural light. Self-expression, the true revealing of our inner most self, is guided by the Sun.
Studying Sun’s affect on your sign will help you to know where to apply Sun’s ample energy. As it rules the inner self, the one within, studying the Sun in your sign may well help with additional willpower when needed for those tough tasks!
The Fifth House: Pleasure
The Fifth House is ruled by Leo and the Sun. These fire entities rule the House that deals with pleasure.
Beware submitting too much to the pleasures found in the Fifth House. Studying the planets residing in the Fifth House will do much to tell you how you react in love relationships and the pitfalls you may create for yourself as love affairs are ruled here as well. Creativity resides in the Fifth House. Look here for your inspiration. For those embarking on artistic endeavors, you may do well to consult the planets residing in your Fifth House as your weaknesses will be revealed so you can adapt your plans to account for that.
The Sun speaks of brightness — that brightness is represented by our relationship with the children in our lives – ours or other people’s. This House is also related to the father figure in your life. If your house seems cluttered and your living space isn’t what you want it to be, look to the Fifth House in the Zodiac to help you find your way clear of the clutter in order to turn your home (Fifth House) back into the sanctuary you know it can be. Remember to take time for pleasure in your life!