September 23rd to October 22nd
Libra energy is strong and connective. As the great balancer, Librans can step away and look at both sides of the situation. Your clear-headed thinking and earnest application of your considerable intellect to a situation show you an easy way through where others see no way at all. Librans are gifted with the capability of charm.
Where Librans truly shine though is socially. With an innate grace and charm a Libran can “work a room” like you wouldn’t believe! With a “once round” the room the Libran not only knows all the juiciest tidbits of gossip, they’ve also correlated a lot of information into a cohesive, if not totally realized, set of pairings.
Librans tend to do well in positions where they are partnering others as one of the strengths of Libra energy is to see the strengths and weaknesses in others and pair them with people whose talents are a good match. Whether a romantic match-maker, an executive head hunter, or someone to bring balance to a team, the Libra personality is a great place to begin.
Libra charm and desire for balance make them excellent long term romantic partners. When in a relationship with a Libra you’ll never have to worry about them not carrying their share of the load…equality is important to Libra, and Librans will do the work to ensure they feel an equal partner.
Librans would do well to listen to their inner voice because (due in a large part to their excellent capability of maintaining balance) it will always guide them well. Sometimes diplomatic to a fault, the Libran can talk themselves out of just about any situation. Seeking harmony and balance Librans are an active sign.
Librans need to beware of their finances as money has a tendency to slip through our fingers. Material goods are not exactly of the highest importance to you. If any caution should be given to a Libra it is to check and make sure you are not giving too much. Librans tend to be soft-hearted and loose track of balance in their nurturing and should ensure balance is still maintained.
Librans have a high appreciation for beauty and art in any form, whatever media. Naturally optimistic, Librans are the type to see the beauty and glory in any sunset. This love of beauty should be seriously considered and looked to when choosing a career path because it is a calling you will not be able to ignore.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Libra, the Scales
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The same as the ancient Egyptian symbol for the setting sun, the Libran glyph has its meaning in the realms of antiquity. In its more modern association, the glyph represents the scale which is the symbol for equilibrium. However, the symbology of this glyph goes back to the eons of time. It was considered to represent the crescent moon which was being connected or anchored by two equal lines representing the ideal of emotion balanced by reason. The third line, which is the base of the glyph, symbolizes partnership.
Ruling Planet:
Venus is the ruling planet for those born under the sign of the Scales. She brings the gift of love and beauty in her guise as the Goddess of Love. Venus also sheds her influence in the realms of social pursuits, style, art and personal adornment of all kind. The negative emanations to beware from this Planet are its tendency to slide to self-indulgence and a too strong attachment to luxury and rich living.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. As the seventh sign we begin the Second half of the Zodiac. As we move into the seventh sign we see it as the sign of partnerships and pairing, beginning the second half of the pairings in the wheel.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites came from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. Librans with their forceful personalities and power with words is considered a masculine sign. Active and diplomatic Librans are normally very social and enjoy a wide circle of friends and associates.
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Aries. Librans are the ultimate symbol of partnership. Aries, though not in a negative way, is with the scales in balance, the sign of the self. (Remember, if we don’t know the self, how can we know others to be able to appropriately partner with them?)
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. Librans are a Cardinal sign, meaning that being outgoing in social settings is a very comfortable situation for you. Very social by nature you have no trouble maneuvering from the campground to the opera!
Dominant Keywords:
I Balance. What else would you expect for a sign represented by a set of scales! Librans are excellent at perceiving qualities in others and pairing them for best result. This is especially true in the business venue.
Most Likeable Trait:
You are a charmer pure and simple. You put others at ease quickly with your warm smile and always knowing exactly what to say. You are one that friends can rely on when they really need help.
Lucky Day:
Friday! TGIF rings more true for you than it does for most other folks. The best day for you to make new pairings, start new endeavors, or meet new people, you have plenty of opportunity to shine on your lucky day!
Beware self-indulgence beyond normal boundaries. Are you sharing as much as you should? Are you giving of yourself to others to keep your personal compass in balance? Make sure to check your actions for appropriate balance when dealing with those closest to you.
Cities and Countries:
The following cities and countries are associated with the sign of the Scales. Librans would appreciate the art in cities such as Vienna and Copenhagen, the stately antebellum homes of Charleston would be a great bed and breakfast getaway weekend. Lisbon with its wealth of intellectual information in its museums and libraries would also be a great destination. If you just want to take a whirlwind tour, the Libran is outgoing and normally stout enough to travel to the exotic destinations such as Burma, Tibet, and China; along with Argentina and Japan.
Libra is an Air sign. You can’t help but be a natural talker and a bit of a charmer. It’s in the stars for you to be so. You may not appreciate center stage, but you sure aren’t shy about having your say. No shrinking violet you can talk to just about anyone having a natural style that always carries you through with grace and panache.
Copper is the metal aligned with Librans. When making copper if the blend isn’t correct you don’t achieve the proper look. This is another allusion to the balance so important to the root of the Libran personality.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
Opal. It’s not coincidence that a stone that glows with its own inner fire is associated with Libra. Believed to impart clarity of mind and thought to its wearer, the opal is a stone of ancient power. It is further believed to bring the blessings of financial well being and the wearer of an opal will be able to make appropriate choices without the burdens of greed or jealousy.
Stones of Power:
Besides the Opal, Librans would do well to work with blue lace agate, tourmaline and kunzite. If you are feeling unbalanced, wearing a bracelet with one of your stones on one arm or another may help you regain equilibrium.
Special Color:
For Libra, only the colors of true refinement, romance and harmony will do. If you are going to buy your Libra friend a special gift – a silk scarf or tie in refined tones of either blue or lavender is just the thing!
Delicately stemmed cosmos, large showy hydrangeas, and one of the most adaptable flowers, the rose, are aligned with the sign of Libra.
Librans are aligned with the cypress, almond and ash trees.
Animals associated with the sign of the scales and balance are snakes and lizards. Don’t reject the association so quickly. It is only our modern western society that has vilified these creatures. If you are a Libran you can learn much by studying these unique and special members of the animal kingdom.
Myths and Legends:
From the fairy tale of Cinderella through the ages to the myths of Venus and Hera; Libra is associated with several stories, fables or goddesses.
Famous People:
Originality while appearing to conform is one of the trademarks of the Libran personality. Here are a few examples.
David Ben-Gurion – John Lennon – Roger Moore – Horatio Nelson (yes, of the Admiralty) – Groucho Marx – Sigourney Weaver – T. S. Eliot
Venus – Goddess of Love – what more needs to be said? This beautiful planet, often referred to as the sister planet to our own, is one of the most recognized by the average modern person. Of all the planets it glows with a soft light in the night sky. Luminous with a glow much like the moon, although many times lighter, Venus rules our emotional self. Love is the single strongest and most important emotion in humans. Humans have been known to accomplish nearly impossible feats for the sake of love. We dream of finding love. We hold on to love when we find it because it is so precious. But love is not the only emotion. There are a plethora of emotions ranging from bitter hate to fatal attraction, with a very fine line between the two extremities.
I have a friend who refers to Venus as the “attitude check” planet in her chart. Until that moment I hadn’t realized it, but she was right. When looking to check in on your emotional compass, look to Venus for help in calibration. This beautiful planet is considered to show our capacity for appreciation as well as love. Social graces come under her control, and her effects are definitely felt in the realms of friendships too.
Venus is aligned with sensual/sexual energy. If you find yourself becoming over emotional about situations – your temper getting out of hand focus on Venus and her place in your chart to help you regain the calm center that allows you to appreciate the beauty, love and harmony that is in the world around you. So strong is her appearance in the skies as seen from our place here on Earth, she rules not one but two Houses and Signs.
The Seventh House: Partnership
Like the sign Aquarius, the Seventh House of the Zodiac is probably the most well known of all the Houses. What isn’t quite as well known is that the Seventh House controls partnerships – especially the emotional ones. Although business contacts and partnerships are also ruled here, the partnership in emotional relationships is the alliance most people are interested in.
The Seventh House helps you to understand how to achieve your personal emotional stability. Studying the ruling sign of Libra (the ultimate partner) and Planet Venus the ultimate lover – you can be guided in your work associations as well. Your feelings about commitment and long term situations are also reflected in the planets in your Seventh House.
No longer do we live in a world where we are each an island unto ourselves. Although we appreciate our personal privacy, we are all linked to each other and that link can’t be ignored. It is how you deal with the direct connection of a personal link with another person – professional or personal – that is revealed in your Seventh House. If you and your sweetie are scrapping more than normal you may want to look at both your Seventh Houses as a start to investigate the root cause of the problem or common ground for you two to reach for or agree upon together. If you don’t have any planets here in the Seventh House, well that’s just fine and dandy because with Venus as the House’s Ruling Planet, it shows us that love is out there for us all!