February 20th to March 20th
Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. The sign of the Fish, Pisces is the sign most associated with the higher thoughts and better part of man. Ruling the twelfth sign, which deals with philosophy, religion, and the life beyond ourselves, Pisceans are the sign recognized most likely to easily see beyond the veil.
Compassion is how you best reach out to others. Your capacity for one of the higher of human emotions is nearly endless. Loyal, unselfish and generous nearly to a fault, you are the type to be the first to lend out a hand to help a friend in need.
The allegory of the Fish as your symbol is more than just wisdom. Fish swims below the surface of the water. Fish is surrounded by water (the element thought to drop the veil). Fish’s perspective is much different from most others. And that runs true with you. While others are kibitzing about who said what to whom, you’re looking deeper, below the surface, to see what started the argument between your two friends to begin with.
Some see you as a loner because you often prefer to work alone. Many of your sign seek solitary careers such as writing or diligent and detailed research. Your intense imagination and gift of understanding people makes you an excellent communicator in the artistic media, whether as a writer, artist, or musician.
If you are a shy Piscean who likes to sing, try getting involved with a choral group in your community or church.
Impressionable and susceptible to the manipulations of others, you often find yourself in the wrong situations for all the right reasons. It might help to put a sign on the bedroom door that says “I will learn to say no.” Make it your mantra! It is okay to set appropriate boundaries for yourself.
Warm, caring, loving, devoted and sensitive are all adjectives that are appropriate for you (although no matter what you do there will always be some who see you as a “cold fish”). Others may not realize the depths of your understanding of other people; how sometimes with a glance you can easily see into the essence of a person.
A little jaded by nature you still seek the best of mankind. Imagination can be a double-edged sword – while the imagination brings much to the artistic Pisces, it can always create an unreal world full of fears and misunderstandings if the Piscean lets their fears run away from them.
When it comes to romance, the security and warmth of a Cancer would appeal to you. Nearly as perceptive as you, a Cancer partner would be an excellent life match. Don’t overlook Scorpio personalities either as they too tend to be a good match for Pisces. Watch out for Gemini and Sagittarius as you will either understand a little too much or not enough of these two signs. Your opposite on the Zodiac is Virgo, a sign you can build strong bonds with.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Pisces, the Fish
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
A simple glyph of two semi circles (said to represent crescent moons) is connected by a single straight line. The ancient meaning of the glyph was emotion and higher consciousness or thinking. The straight line tied this capability to the limitations of the material world. Astrologically Pisces rules over the feet. So, if you’re stubbing your toe a lot you may want to use Piscean energy and see what it is below the surface that you’re missing!
Ruling Planet:
Neptune was the second of the modern planets to be found, being discovered in 1846. Named for the ancient god of the sea, Neptune is now associated with the traits of illusion, glamour, deception and mystery.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. It is no wonder that some of the greatest “higher level” thinkers were born in this sign. Renoir, Chopin, Nureyev, Browning; were all Pisceans. As the culminating sign of the Zodiac the best (and conversely, the worst) of man’s thinking is thought to be found here.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites came from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. Living in the receptive waters of Mother Earth, you are a feminine sign. Fish is a receptive creature, Pisces are receptive by nature. You can see below the surface of things because you are receptive to all levels of input.
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Virgo. While you are a dreamer and sometimes are caught in self-delusion, Virgo is pragmatic and the sign of work and self-improvement. If you’re feeling less connected than usual, spending sometime with a solid Virgo may help you get back in the right place.
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. Pisces is a Mutable sign. Receptive and intuitive you can be emotional and sometimes even dramatic, but whatever your emotional mood, you find it easy to change with the flow as necessary. You not only tolerate change in your life well, but you enjoy it to a certain extent because of the excitement it brings.
Dominant Keywords:
I Believe. Whatever it is, when you believe something, you BELIEVE! Your commitment to your belief system is total. Your faith in the higher power and your faith in mankind are unshakable. Your belief in what is important to you can truly be a force to be reckoned with by any who try to infer it.
Most Likeable Trait:
Your compassion is the first thing people see. You just can’t hide it because it is in your eyes, your facial expression, your body language – all of it combines to deliver a very strong message that your compassion runs deep. Your ability to reach out to others when they are in need is inspiring, but you need to beware being taken advantage of! Although difficult sometimes it is best to not deprive someone of a good old fashioned learning opportunity!
Lucky Day:
Friday, named for Freya of the Norse pantheon, is your lucky day. If it has been a rough week and you need to unwind, a quiet Friday evening at home with a nice hot bath or shower, topped off with some quiet music while reading a book might be just what you need to give your mind time to process everything that’s been going on. Taking time for yourself on Friday will help keep your energy levels high.
Pisceans seem to show more of a tendency for susceptibility to alcohol and drugs to the point of abuse or dependency than other signs. This may be linked with your innate ability to see more than others. Pisceans should also be more aware of the outer surroundings when out in public because their inattentiveness may land them in dangerous and unpredictable situations with unbalanced people.
Cities and Countries:
Pisceans enjoy travel and are energized by visiting new places. Towns associated with Pisces are Casablanca, Alexandria, Lisbon, Seville, and
Dublin. Being one who understands the silence of the open places, vacationing in Portugal or on a caravan in the Sahara may be the spiritual journey you need to put yourself back on track.
Water is your element. Although you walk on land you may sometimes feel like a fish out of water. The water element speaks of the higher self. The greater aspirations of man are all associated with water. The painting, Venus Rising is a beautiful display of Piscean energy!
Platinum. Currently very popular as a jewelry metal, platinum is used in many other aspects as well. Although lovely as a ring, charm, necklace or bracelet, Platinum represents strength and power within the realm of the unseen. Pisceans would do well to wear this metal to help strengthen their perception.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
Your Magical Birthstone, not surprisingly, is Aquamarine. This beautiful stone is said to magnify occult powers and help
achieve serenity of mind. It has also been thought for centuries to provide protection to anyone wearing it that was traveling by sea.
Stones of Power:
When wanting to stay more connected with your inner self, or achieve more of who you are, working with amethyst, bloodstone or tourmaline will help you center and refocus!
Special Color:
The soft dreamy colors of the sea are those that are special for you – pale green and turquoise are your colors. Wearing them or surrounding yourself with them will help you achieve your most positive energy and help you to feel balanced and secure – important things for feeling Pisces.
The white poppy, the jonquil, and the water lily are the flowers associated with Pisces. Although none of these flowers lend themselves well to cut floral arrangements, thinking ahead and capturing these beauties when they bloom and presenting your Pisces special someone with a picture of a group of water lilies floating on a pond in an warm-toned framed as a holiday or birthday gift would be the ultimate in thoughtful gifts.
The fig and the willow, both trees long associated with the higher values of thought and compassion are trees aligned with Pisces.
What else could it be? Fish, deep water, fresh water, salt water, lake, pond, river or marsh; all species of fish are ruled by Pisces.
Myths and Legends:
The Christian association with the sign of the fish must be mentioned. In early Christian times the members of the emerging religious sect were reviled and hunted…leaving the “Mark of the Fisherman” was a way to show where, when, or whom (by drawing the symbol in the dirt with their toes at times) were followers of the Christ. Other belief systems include aligning with fish or Pisces. Check out Aphrodite, and, yes, the peaceful Buddha too! The Celts reverence of the Salmon has already been mentioned.
Famous People:
It’s doubtful that there will be many names on this list you don’t already know because they have shown how Piscean energy can achieve the highest of goals.
Alexander Graham Bell – Frederic Chopin – Nicolaus Copernicus – Albert Einstein – Galileo Galilei – George Washington – Liza Minnelli – Pierre Renoir – Elizabeth Taylor
Neptune is the second of the “modern” planets that have been discovered. At the same time America was immersed in its Civil War, scientist across the Atlantic in both Britain and France were trying to get the scientific community to recognize their finding.
When looking at Neptune the sheer distances becomes incomprehensible. Voyager’s fly-by in 1989 brought even more surprises for astronomers. Triton, one of the moon’s of Neptune was captured by camera and the images of
Voyager 2. It was from this intrepid space explorer that we discovered that Neptune has rings.
People are under the impression that Neptune was the god of the sea and associated with the Greek Poseidon, but that is actually incorrect. Neptune was the God of irrigation in the Roman Pantheon. Not the God of the sea, but the God of the life giving waters that irrigated the fields that grew the crops. When applied in the world of astrology, Neptune rules over human activity.
On the up side we’re talking about the traits of sensitivity, compassion, and, of course, imagination. The less appreciated traits assigned to Neptune are characterized by such words as deception, confusion, treachery and fraud. Neptune, like the other “modern” planets, is believed to have a “generational” impact, meaning the energy is very important to larger groups of people.
Other analyses indicate that Neptune’s energy may well be opening the door to the higher levels of consciousness. Neptune can create an uncertain attitude in the House in which it resides. Neptune is believed to rule the deepest levels of the subconscious. It is through Neptune’s energy that we can connect with the ancestral memory.
The Twelfth House: Philosophy
The Twelfth House is the final house of the Zodiac. The cautions of the Twelfth House are to make sure you are not
escaping from life and secluding yourself from the energy of interaction with others. Conversely, are you not allowing time for yourself to enjoy the rewards of inner silence? It is described as the House of Philosophy because it is here you should look for spiritual guidance from the Zodiac. Concerned with faith and institutions, the Twelfth House can tell you much about your connection with your personal belief system. This house also deals with physical institutions such as hospitals or prisons.
The Twelfth House is said to be an indication of the nature of our subconscious. Those that use astrology in conjunction with psychology or
psychiatry spend a lot of time looking at the Twelfth House as it is said to hold the key to the root of psychological problems or disorders. Ruled by Pisces and Neptune, the water energy is easy to see. Nor should it go without statement that this House also controls much of how you perceive and interact with the physical world around you. Allow yourself to be receptive to the messages of the planets in your Twelfth House in order to be able to obtain information on connecting with and achieving the higher self.