November 22nd to December 21st
Represented by the Archer, Sagittarians are sure to shoot their arrows of optimism at just the right time.
Not only do you learn by your experiences as you travel through life, you inspire others. In the workplace you are one of the favorites of not only your co-workers, but the personnel department too. The Sagittarian personality is normally one of the most liked and considered to be one of the best at getting along with everyone in general over long periods.Sagittarians can get restless if they remain uninspired by their surroundings…or the people they interact with. However, once you’ve made a friend with a Sagittarian, well, you pretty much got a friend for life. It may be as years between contacts, but our Sagittarian friend who was a roommate for a while is the one most likely to reach across the miles and years and continue to call on occasion.
Upbeat, astute, personable, you attract people of the same nature. One of the references many people miss about the archer is: What is it that he is hunting with his arrow? The Sagittarian is in a constant search for wisdom and will travel mountains high and valleys low to find the wisdom they seek. Although sometimes the Sagittarian personality can be fickle (that moving on thing), they are still loyal and quite capable of acts of great generosity.As a fire sign and continually optimistic you sometimes miss the unspoken messages that are sent your way. Although you can multi-task better than most, you sometimes forget the purpose of earning that paycheck. Emotional attachments to hearth and home aren’t as strong for you as for some other signs, allowing you to indulge that footloose desire to travel without repercussions.
Considered impetuous by some, you would be one of the first to grab the credit card and head off to a weekend of fun in the sun with your pals and worry about paying the bill when you get home, you trust in the glass being on the table, still half full when you return.
Sagittarians should look for a fiery Leo or a strong Aries for the best life match astrologically. Their strong independent personalities will understand your “less than attached” way of being. You’re not flighty as some accuse you to be…you know what interests you and when it’s time to move on to a new adventure. You would find your astrological opposite Gemini mentally refreshing or challenging.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Sagittarius, the Archer
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The glyph or pictograph is a direct representation of an arrow in flight. In the anatomical correlations, Sagittarius rules the leg from thigh to knee, which can also be seen in the glyph. Ancient symbology sets it with the line of wisdom angled away from trouble or earthly cares. Set in an upward position, the arrow points up indicating a striving toward higher ideals.
Ruling Planet:
Jupiter, ruler of the Heavens and the most important god in the Roman Pantheon is the planet that rules Sagittarius. Your adventurous nature is symbolized by the numerous moons surrounding the great giant planet. Astrologically, Jupiter is looked to as the planet of good fortune, optimism, abundance and expansion. With Jupiter ruling your sign you are never without!
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the Zodiac. While Sagittarius represents travel, it must be pointed out that travel need not be the physical travel of getting in your car or on a plane. The travel represented by Sagittarian energy can also be the capability of traveling within oneself for one’s own answers.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites came from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. With this much energy and power, masculine energy nearly ripples forth from Sagittarius in salvos of unseen arrows. You are always striving, seeking, placing your best foot forward!
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Sagittarius. With Gemini as your polarity sign, it may be difficult to keep conversation going. Gemini’s desire for self-expression rains on your parade of discovery through travel and the experience of life.
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. You’re a Mutable sign strong Sagittarius. Energetic, you tire most people out just by watching you! You are open to new ideas and exploration – you want to see what is beyond the next rise. Ambitious, you do understand that you have to live in a material world and you do what you have to do to maintain your lifestyle.
Dominant Keywords:
I See! Whether seeing within with the answers of the heart, or seeing over the next rise, Sagittarians love a feast for the eyes. With the keywords of I see, Sagittarians are a sucker for a brightly colored spring bouquet!
Most Likeable Trait:
Optimism. You can find the shiny penny in the darkness. You always see the best in people (well, at least at first)! If the house needs cleaning you see it as an opportunity for family bonding time. No matter what the situation, no matter how dark the circumstance, yours is always the voice that brings hope and light into other’s darkness.
Lucky Day:
Thursday is your day. Looking to make a good impression on that new person in the office? Try doing it on a Thursday when your optimism shines brightest and you are normally at your best!
Due to your love of travel – of whatever type, those born under this sign are prone to accidents and injuries while traveling. With an element of fire, beware your fire getting out of control! Don’t burn both ends against the middle, you’ll soon run out of fuel.
Cities and Countries:
The following cities and countries are associated with the sign of the Archer. Acapulco, Toledo, Cologne and ancient Budapest all call to the traveler in Archer to “come see”! Looking for a poster for your teenage Archer’s room? Try something highlighting the countries of Spain, Hungary or Australia; countries all associated with Sagittarius.
Fire burns deep within you. As your element it burns a fire of questing for knowledge and belief that everything will be okay. Your firey nature can lash out at those who try to confine your wanderlust, but if given enough space you enjoy the fires of passion associated with a long term committed relationship.
Tin is the metal that is associated with Sagittarius. Now thought cheap (“that stereo has a tinny sound”) there was a time when the tin can was the ultimate in new science and development! Today tin is important in the production of the common alloys such as bronze (tin and copper) and solder (tin and lead). It is used extensively in the printing industry as type metal (for printing presses, tin, lead, and antimony). The beautiful low sheen of pewter (tin and lead) also depends on tin. In the form of tinplate, it is used in the manufacture of tin cans, and similar articles. It is also used as a protective coating for steel, copper, and other metals. Tin is so intrinsic in our modern lives we have forgotten it’s importance to us.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
The mellow colors of Turquoise is your magical birthstone. The complexity of turquoise with its veining and coloration fluctuation from stone to stone is one of the few that could hold your attention for long term! Thought to protect the wearer from harm, it is believed to attract love. The belief that turquoise gives the wearer the ability to see the future is seen in the number of metaphysical practitioners who wear turquoise jewelry while working with clients.
Stones of Power:
Your stones of power of lapis lazuli, azurite and sodalite are your best bet for “anchoring” yourself. This may be a difficult concept for you, but even a cruise ship has an anchor. The biggest aircraft carriers have anchors. Think of these stones are your spiritual “breadcrumbs” to help you get back to yourself and grounded again!
Special Color:
Purple. For the ancient Romans, and many other cultures too, it was the color reserved for royalty. For a long time the dye could only be made in one place because the specific creature to create the dye from only lived in that one place. Difficult to dye from natural dye stuffs, purple has long been held to be the color of richness and affluence.
The common dandelion calls to you every time you see the bright yellow heads pop-up. Who can resist reliving the childhood moment of blowing the sphere of seeds out to the vagaries of the wind? The act of scattering the seeds is an allegory of movement and travel. Holly and Narcissus are also associated with the Archer.
Mulberry, Oak and Birch, trees that talk of strength, determination and survival are those aligned with the archer. Sagittarians can rely on the inner strengths and resources these trees signify..
With the lower body of the constellation that of the horse, the Archer represents its own control over the four legged helpmate of man, the horse. On a horse the Archer could ride far and wide on the hunt. Speed, agility, grace and perfection in motion are attributed to the horse.
Myths and Legends:
Athena, Chiron and Jupiter are the myths that should be researched to help understand the Sagittarian personality.
Famous People:
Sagittarians are known for doing things “their way.” Yup, you’ll find “Old Blue Eyes” here!
Winston Churchill – Bette Midler – Frank Sinatra – Ludwig van Beethoven – Harpo Marx – Eli Whitney – Flip Wilson – Carry Nation – Sammy Davis, Jr.
You make life better for those whose life you touch, it is just difficult for some that your touch, although always given with a gentle hand and light delivery, can be so firm. Your life is a course of your own plotting. You path is one of looking forward – you see the future because it is always there, amidst the optimism in your heart!
Jupiter is the first of the gas giants in our solar system. We are still learning more about this beautiful planet from projects such as “Galileo.” Many of us hold memories of awe and wonder as we watched Schumacher-Levy 9 create huge scars larger than our own planet on gaseous Jupiter. There are astronomers who spend their entire lives studying the intricacies of this planet.
Named for the ruler of the Roman Pantheon of Gods, the planet Jupiter rules the higher thoughts. Jupiter was God of the skies, ruler of the air. For those more familiar with the Greek mythologies – think Zeus. Jupiter rules the intellectual within all of us. Jupiter’s placement says much about how you acquire and interpret knowledge.
Your basic philosophies and ideals are represented within Jupiter’s placement in your chart. Also known as the Planet of Blessings, Jupiter is strongly aligned with “Lady Luck.” As the God Jupiter was thought by the Romans to be all-powerful, symbolizing the higher virtues of honor, wisdom and acting in good faith the planet which bears his name carries the same admirable traits. Thought to be benevolent to humans Jupiter was believed to lend a personal hand in the areas of the worldly essences. Jupiter rules the intellect…knowledge and earnestness.
Power and high positions were also aligned with the God of Gods. It is to Jupiter that you should look for opportunity and effecting positive change. Jupiter rules how you use the opportunities that life presents to you. Jupiter is the planet of blessings, but it is with the knowledge of the self given to us through the first five planets that we can truly capitalize on the blessings that Jupiter bestows.
The wisdom found in Jupiter is the wisdom of realizing the blessings that are at hand. Beautiful Jupiter will help you be receptive to both the opportunities and blessings life provides.
The Ninth House: Travel
The Ninth House is the house of travel. If you want to plan a vacation for yourself, look to the Ninth House planets for ideas. Ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter the Ninth House is one of the mental realms along with the direct association to travel. It is to the Ninth house that one should look for direction. This house is the house that rules our ideals, your dreams. If your sleep is troubled meditation on your 9th House Planets may help identify what is preventing sleep.
It is this house that has control over higher education. If you’re wondering if a post-graduate degree is there for you – or if you’re looking for ways of getting that post-graduate degree because you want it, here in the Ninth house is where you should look. This House also rules long distance travel and the education (whether intended or no) that comes from travel.
This travel can either be physical (such as the European Tour given to Victorian Age young adults upon completion of their educational studies to teach them about the greather world and “round out” the education) or it can be the more difficult travel within. When wanting to find the path to connect with your inner self, look to the Ninth House to illuminate you back to your inner core self.