April 20th to May 19th
Taurus, represented by the Bull, is the second sign of the Zodiac. As the second in the wheel, Taurus is the stabilizer. Normally quiet, affectionate and patient, Bull’s make great friends. Determined and practical they appreciate creature comforts and will do much to ensure them in their lives.
The positive energy of the Bull has been realized throughout the millennia. It is believed that other than the Sun or Fire, the Bull was one of the first sacred beings to Man. Whether jumping the bull to show power; fighting the bull in a ring to show courage, daring and strength (as they still do in Spain); or using the Bull as a symbol of an upward trend in the Stock Market, Bull has long been associated with power, strength and wealth.
Although strong, Bulls can be plodding and prefer to move at their own pace. The high-energy Bull personality is capable of drawing on personal reserves of strength which others find nearly unbelievable.
Like the animals for which their sign is named, Taurus people can be either gentle and docile (like the happy contented Bull chewing on some nice spring shoots – Fernidad in the field of daisies) or the Bull can turn on you and try to gouge you with it’s horns.
Ruled by the Planet Venus (named after the Roman Goddess of beauty and the arts, pleasure and, of course, the emotions) Bull’s tend to prefer the finer things in life. Your friend with the most comfortable feeling home when you walk in the door is the home of a Taurus. It’s almost a sure bet that your friend with the most comfortable couch is a Bull.
That’s not to say they are afraid of hard work. Nicknamed “The Maintainer” in newer astrology definitions, Taurus people are more than willing to work to maintain a lifestyle acceptable to their personal tastes. With security so very important for Taurus to be happy, they will do much to ensure it for themselves and those they care for.
People born on this sign are great career builders, especially in the area of financial services such as banking and insurance. Tending to love the warmth and the sunshine the Bull does well in the fields of agriculture or horticulture.
Taurus rules the neck and throat – this is shown by the number of professional “crooners” or singers born in this sign.
If you’re a Taurean looking for love, the best sign for you to look under is that of either Virgo or Capricorn. These folks will understand and appreciate your perchance for the comfortable. Beware the Leo or Aquarius personality unless you have overcome the natural tendency to dislike change, because change is so important to either of those signs. Opposites can attract with Taurus the dependable paired with Scorpio the idealistic as long as you allow for individual space.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Taurus, the Bull
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The horns of the bull are easily seen from the half-circle on the top of the glyph. This also alludes to the connection of the Bull with the Moon. This particular configuration also alludes to the chin and Adam’s apple of man’s throat. The ancient symbology for the glyph is that it is a sun (circle) supporting the receptive energy of the moon (cup-shaped “horns” of the glyph). The “cup” is allegorical to the cup of life representing material wealth and power. The combination of Sun and Moon also are indicative of a strong force of will.
Ruling Planet:
Venus was venerated by the Romans as Goddess of Beauty. In the Roman mind this was not just the beauty of romantic love or physical human form. Venus ruled over the areas of the arts (the ultimate in beauty), pleasure, and the realm of the emotions. Astrologically Venus has long been believed to influence the Taurean personality towards a love of luxury.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. As Aries is the initiator, Taurus could be considered the Maintainer. Taurus is quite capable of taking the idea initiated by Aries and run it all the way to the final payoff.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites came from the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. Taurus with its connection with the Moon and receptive energy is considered to have feminine energy. The feminine assignation was that it was receptive energy rather than forceful (or masculine) energy.
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Taurus – Scorpio. While Taurus may focus more on personal possessions or comfort, Scorpio speaks of legacies and shared possessions. Taurus energy paired with Scorpio energy is sure to win on a fund raising effort!
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. Of course, it’s not difficult to guess that Taurus is a fixed sign. Quiet, affectionate, and steady, it is difficult to get a Bull to change their mind. Many a farmer can tell you a rather uncomfortable story about a recalcitrant bull who didn’t want to move into a different pasture. Solid and stable, sometimes to a fault, Taureans are emblematic of a Fixed sign. A good perk-up for a Taurus who’s had a rough week might just be to have food delivered and a quiet night at home.
Dominant Keywords:
I have/I maintain. The Bull keeps his cows under a watchful eye. The Bull consolidates and reevaluates before embarking on a new mission. The Bull rarely does without, because the craving for comfort is so strong that those born under this sign will more often than not, go the extra mile to ensure a quality comfort zone for their surroundings.
Most Likeable Trait:
Your dependability is nearly legendary. Your word is your bond and you don’t let anything get in the way of that. When you say you are going to do something folks can pretty much take that to the bank.
Lucky Day:
Bull’s would do well to capitalize on their lucky day of Friday to schedule new meetings, start new ventures or even make a difficult choice.
A Bull in full rage is an awesome sight to see. Many a country kid can tell a story about old Farmer Whosit’s Bull who used to scare the stuff right out of them when they had to walk by his pasture on the way to school. Bulls can loose themselves in their passions – even having a tendency to sometimes be in violent situations that have to do with love, and, less often but still a caution – money.
Cities and Countries:
The following cities and countries are associated with the sign of Taurus. Although not normally given to a strong wanderlust, Bull’s may appreciate either stories of or, in many cases, actually visiting one of these places. Here in the states there’s good old St. Louis. Dublin, Lucerne, and Leipzig are also cities associated with Bull/Taurus energy. If you’re looking to take a Taurus away on a vacation, visiting Greece, Ireland or Switzerland will normally garner an enthusiastic response from those born under this sign.
Not surprisingly, Taurus is aligned with the element of Earth. People born under Earth signs tend to be just that – down to earth. Practical and solid as the earth they walk on, Bull’s are connected to the abundance of earth energy and the practicality that entails. The down side is that makes it easy for the Bull to get stuck in a rut.
Although silver and gold are always nice, the metal aligned with the sign of Taurus is copper. You may find that new Taurus friend may appreciate a nice set of copper candlesticks more than a fancy necklace…but, be practical… maybe a copper banded umbrella stand (which might be cheaper) is what she needs more. Taureans are above all practical. They won’t be offended if you ask what they prefer – but if you promise – deliver on the promise or the Bull will never forget.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
The Emerald is your magical birthstone. This gemstone carries the power to protect against infidelity and deceits. It also carries the assurance of loyalty. Forgetful Bulls would do well to wear this stone as it is also thought to help improve memory. Of course, emeralds in any form (raw or as jewelry) are a great gift.
Stones of Power:
For a Taurus who wants to connect with or work with their connection with earth energy it would be good to study and work with the following stones: Diamond, blue lace agate, and rose quartz. Taurus has a special affinity for these stones and you will find them helpful. Need an extra boost of energy for the day? Try a nice rose quartz necklace or bracelet!
Special Color:
Matching your Magical Birth Stone, your special color is green. Green is the color of the natural food of the Bull. Green is the color of abundance. Add sparkle to your step and confidence to your stride by wearing green.
The Violet and Poppy are directly aligned with your sign. Older associations also link the Lily of the Valley with the sign of Taurus. If you want to turn a Taurean’s fancy, a small poesy of violets will get you a long way!
Two of the oldest trees known to man are associated with the Bull. The mighty and tenacious Cypress and the recurrent food-granting Apple speak of the patience and comfort desiring traits of Taurus.
Okay, so it’s not a long stretch to see that cattle are the animal ruled by the sign of the Bull.
Myths and Legends:
The Bull features in legends in nearly every culture. Minos, the Minotaur; Cerridwen of Celtic association; and the Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osiris all point to the old and honored stories about the Bull. Along with these legends and mythologies, a study of the Roman mythology of Venus may help understanding.
Famous People:
Remember that “throat” thing? Well, here’s a list of famous Taureans who are emblematic of the “throat” thing.
Cher – Pete Seeger – William Shakespeare – Perry Como – Liberace – Shirley Temple- Harry S. Truman – Bing Crosby – Henry Fonda – Jack Nicholson – Lionel Barrymore – Audrey Hepburn
Each of these people, one way or another, made their money through oration of some type. Whether talking, acting, singing, or writing the words others will say for centuries, each of these individuals show the strong alliance of the throat and neck (and hence, the voice box) to Bulls.
Venus – Goddess of Love – what more needs to be said? This beautiful planet, often referred to as the sister planet to our own, is one of the most recognized by the average modern person. Of all the planets it glows with a soft light in the night sky. Luminous with a glow much like the moon, although many times lighter, Venus rules our emotional self. Love is the single strongest and most important emotion in humans. Humans have been known to accomplish nearly impossible feats for the sake of love. We dream of finding love. We hold on to love when we find it because it is so precious. But love is not the only emotion. There are a plethora of emotions ranging from bitter hate to fatal attraction, with a very fine line between the two extremities.
I have a friend who refers to Venus as the “attitude check” planet in her chart. Until that moment I hadn’t realized it, but she was right. When looking to check in on your emotional compass, look to Venus for help in calibration. This beautiful planet is considered to show our capacity for appreciation as well as love. Social graces come under her control, and her effects are definitely felt in the realms of friendships too.
Venus is aligned with sensual/sexual energy. If you find yourself becoming over emotional about situations – your temper getting out of hand focus on Venus and her place in your chart to help you regain the calm center that allows you to appreciate the beauty, love and harmony that is in the world around you. So strong is her appearance in the skies as seen from our place here on Earth, she rules not one but two Houses and Signs.
The Second House: Prosperity
It is through knowing ourselves (the First House) that we can move to the second house, thus entering into the prosperity we can manifest for ourselves. Aligned with the sign of Taurus, this house rules such aspects of life as possessions and some consider it to rule the area of financial security. It is a definite that the Second House, Ruled by the planet Venus, shows us where and how we appreciate the possessions we have in our lives. Our general attitude towards our partners (romantic especially, but other types of partnership as well) are written in the stars in our Second House.
If you find yourself doing without, You may want to check on the planets that are in your Second House and see what they represent. Another way to make this theory work for you is to look at Taurus and Venus when there are no planets in your House of Prosperity. It should be noted that just because there are no planets in your Second house, it really does not mean that you won’t have love in your life. It just means you should look to the default (ruling planet and/or sign) for additional information. With only 9 planets and 12 Houses, it is literally impossible to have a planet in every house!