August 22nd to September 22nd
The constellation Virgo seems eternally calm and composed in her winged glory. Those born under this sign may well appear that way to others while there is an emotional maelstrom going on underneath. Virgos have an inherent ability to make everything look easy and that life is “easily aces” when inside things are actually falling apart.
Most of your energy comes from that which you develop yourself through work or self-improvement. You are willing to do the work to better yourself and can pour yourself into a commitment. Normally reserved and modest, you are definitely practical and are not normally one who is caught off guard. You are analytical and good at solving problems or coming up with alterative solutions.
Rather than the overt in-your-face ostentation of Rococo Art, your tastes run more towards the refined lines of minimalism. For a Virgo one perfect red rose will mean more than a whole vase full…for the Virgo doesn’t look at the rose, the Virgo first sees the petals, then the rose.
Conscientious to a fault your word is your bond and is very important to you. You will do everything in your power to keep your word once it is given. Virgo also alludes to the Virgin, innocence, and the fact that there are times when less is more.
You prefer to watch, reserved, before entering into a situation, but once you enter into it you give it 100%. Unfortunately what is one of your greatest strengths is also one of your greatest weaknesses – sometimes you give too much and in doing so you unintentionally hurt yourself or others. This is a double whammy for you because you are so caring of those with whom you choose to share your life…although you may not show it to them.
Virgo is typified by one of the greatest rulers of history – Elizabeth I. This tremendous woman ruled at a time when women were considered far less than men; her method of ruling without ruling, decision by indecision, and playing the great game of politics in a passive way allowed her to remain on the Throne, a virgin, “married to the land” and people of England. (This also gives an allegorical reference to the Arthurian legends wherein the health of the ruler of the land was represented by the wealth and health of the people and the land itself. Elizabeth wisely capitalized on this well rooted belief of the people of the English Countryside.)
Virgo is often misunderstood. When dealing with the Virgo personality remember that still waters run deep and beneath the serenity seen at the top of a storm (the outer person a Virgo shows to the world) is a roiling maelstrom of emotional depths in such areas as dignity, refinement and grace.
Virgos would do well to mate themselves with patient and understanding Taurus. Another good match for you would be Capricorn. Beware Sagittarius and Gemini as they could bring misaligned matches that result in more challenges than refined Virgo is willing to take on. Your opposite sign, Pisces, could well be a good match – if you can accept the Piscean perchance for dreaminess and escapism that is.
Here’s a fact sheet about your sign. It gives a lot of quick answers at a glance. These little tidbits of information regarding your sign can help you understand some of the ways you act and react to situations. For those reading about someone else’s sign, these bullet statements can help with everything from choosing an appropriate gift to seeing if someone will fit in with the mix at a social gathering or employment setting.
Sign Name: Virgo, the Virgin
Sign Glyph
Glyph description and meaning:
The glyph for Virgo is also an ancient symbol for the virgin state. It is considered to be a pictograph of the closed reproductive organs…pure and untouched. The more ancient symbology for this glyph is that by being a straight line connected to one plain curved line and a curved line that is crossed, practicality, wisdom, feeling and emotion are evidenced and all meanings associated with this glyph remind us that more goes on beneath the surface of the Virgo than we ever see.
Ruling Planet:
Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury. Mercury is a strong planet having its main effect in the realms of communication. Business matters are also associated with this Planet. The strongest alliance Virgos often feel with their plant is the intellect and reason it carries. However, Mercury also carries a warning of the high-strung personality.
Placement and Symbology of placement in the Zodiac:
Virgo is the 6th sign of the Zodiac and takes us to the halfway point through the celestial chart wheel. Virgo strives for balance and industry. Virgo brings the energy of the first five signs and coalescences them into a combined strong foundation for the second part of the Zodiac. With Virgo we have seen the entire Zodiac (remember we’ve already talked about the opposite signs for each of the first five, and here, number six). Now, knowing what is before us forward movement can be ascertained.
Duality in Western Astrology is much like Yin/Yang energy in the Eastern Tradition. The idea of opposites is rooted in the Pythagorean School of Ancient Greece. Virgo as the Virgin is the ultimate sign of feminine energy and power. Directly related to the Goddesses and the purity of the untouched feminine sexual energy, Virgo is the essence of receptive feminine energy.
This is the sign that is opposite the Zodiac Wheel from Pisces (the last sign in Western Astrology). Pisces is considered to be a sign with traits that tend toward illusion and self-deception. Virgo represents work and self-improvement. Where the Virgo will innocently dig until she finds her answer, Pisces would prefer to sit in escapism.
A Sign is either Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed. As the very name of Virgin implies, only Mutable energy can be assigned here. The Virgin is the ultimate symbol of innocence and potential change. The Virgin can change her state should she choose, but she prefers to remain chaste, waiting for the right masculine balance to create the appropriate balance for he and her.
Dominant Keywords:
I Analyze. You are the ultimate thinker, sometimes falling prey to the “thinking things to death” mentality. You analyze everything. This allows you to see much that others miss, but because you forget most don’t see all that you do, you are sometimes accused of being a busy-body when all you are truly trying to do is help.
Most Likeable Trait:
Conscientiousness. Period. The act of being Conscientious. Taking care of business, doing what you say, keeping your promises, always being mindful of those about you and considering their feelings. Also, Virgos are great in a quiet leadership position.
Lucky Day:
Virgos would do well to schedule that important presentation on a Wednesday if given a choice. This association also allows Virgos a little extra energy in the middle of the week.
Although you are only trying to help, and even trying to do it gently, sometimes your help isn’t appreciated. There are times when it is best to let folks learn some lessons on their own. Not everyone has the depth of emotional connection within that you do. Remember to look twice before jumping in – even if you have been asked.
Cities and Countries:
The following cities and countries are associated with the sign of Virgo and could be great destinations for happy world travelers with associations to countries like Turkey, Greece, Crete and the West Indies. For cities, a Virgo would get a lot of renewing energy from time spent in Paris, Boston, Strasbourg or Heidelberg.
Virgos are aligned with the element of earth. If you’re a Virgo and feeling a little disconnected, take off your shoes and walk barefoot in the garden or yard. Earth is solid, earth is stabilizing, earth is strong. Earth energy can also be overpowering and brash when not tempered with just thought.
Mercury is the metal aligned with Virgo. Its fluid essence says much about the feminine receptive energy. Mercury as a planet (and a metal) aligns with intelligence and reason. Beware the tendency to become “high strung” because others don’t see what you do.
Magical Birthstone Stone:
Virgo’s magical birthstone is the Sapphire. Long thought to be protective to its wearer, sapphire also carries the energy that can bring tranquil thoughts. Virgos going through a difficult time would do well to wear sapphires to help keep their mind clear.
Stones of Power:
Peridot, amazonite, and rhodochorosite are all stones that Virgos would do well to have around to help keep them grounded. As residents of the sign of self-improvement and work, Virgos would do well to connect with these stones.
Special Color:
Virgos soft emotions are best displayed in shades of navy blue and grey. If you have a business meeting, wearing blue and grey will help to keep you at your best. Although the primary blue association is Navy blue, Virgos may be called to other shades of blue as well. Considered colors of restraint and refinement, blue and grey are Virgo’s special colors.
The Morning Glory blooms each morning and as the sun passes it by through the day it will close its lovely blossom at night to protect the delicate reproductive parts of the blossom. Taking care of itself the morning glory vine, once it takes hold is a tenacious and fast grower. Shakespeare had Ophelia say “Pansies are for thoughts,” reflecting the Elizabethan allegory of pansies with their “faces” to remind us of thoughts for others. These two plants are directly tied to Virgo.
The fecundity of the sign is shown by its alliance with the nut bearing trees. From these trees come sustenance. Nuts have long been representative and emblematic of unopened ideas. The unexplored potential hidden in the hard shell holds much promise for the squirrel.
The animals that Virgo has claimed as her own are the small domestic pets. Virgos are sure to have some pet living with them if their circumstances allow. Cats, dogs, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, iguanas, fish or mice, there’s sure to be small creatures Virgo is loving and caring for.
Myths and Legends:
The power of the Virgin was recognized in ancient times as the power of potential untapped. The virgin was emblematic of the power of innocence unsullied. The myths of Demeter, Astraea, and Hygeia may help to understand the honored place of the Virgin.
Famous People:
Virgos aren’t normally shrinking violets although they do tend to keep their innermost thoughts and plans to themselves. Here’s a sampling of prominent Virgo personalities – the wide range of their careers says much about Virgo creativity.
Lauren Bacall – George Wallace – Arnold Palmer – Sean Connery – Queen Elizabeth I – Samuel Jackson – Sophia Loren – Grandma Moses – Gene Kelly
Mercury is the smallest of the inner planets of the solar system. Its orbit around the sun is completed in a mere 88 days. Known as the evening star in the early spring, and the morning star in late fall, it was thought for millennia to be two separate stars.
Mercury, as messenger of the Gods gives strong indication of this planet’s meaning in astrology. Mercury rules your intellect and communication. Mercury reminds us that communication is not just speech and hearing. Communication is the assimilation of all the input at that time. Mercury controls how you react to that communication and/or input.
Ruler of rational thought and practical thinking, Mercury’s effect is felt most strongly with how you interact with the world around you and communicate with it. Mercury, by controlling communication, controls the connection to the inner self and the subconscious (which is called “sub” conscious is called such because we are unaware of the thought process, it happens “sub” or below the surface, we cannot easily tap into it). Hence Mercury controls the communication of the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and physical touch around us and carries those messages to the inner self and the subconscious self. Once received, with rational assimilation of the information, we can interact with the outer world.
Those who are wanting to become more in tune with their physical body would do well to study the Mercury’s effect on your sign.
The Sixth House: Health
Feeling a little under the weather? Looking for an activity to put some exercise in your life that you’ll stick with for more than a week? Look at your Sixth House for inspiration and insight to answers to questions like these. The Sixth House is ruled by the constellation or sign of Virgo and the Planet Mercury. Primarily covering the area of health, it also relates to matters concerning the routine work day.
Along with its association with health, those getting ready to go on a diet would do well to consult the Sixth House of their Astrological Chart. It is here the secret to your personal success in a diet lies. You gain insight and the careful student can learn how to maximize natural tendencies to help in achieving a healthier, more physically fit self.
The final area of life that this House holds sway over is that of personal interest; in other words what keeps your synapses firing is active interest. Whether your hobby is being a couch potato (watching TV is a hobby, albeit maybe not the most healthy one), building paper airplanes, or being a member of a recreational organization, it is the energy residing in your Sixth House that holds control over personal hobbies. Hobbies are a great way of keeping our mind alert and normally provides us with personal goals or benchmarks to achieve.
Not having planets in your Sixth House does not doom you to ill health, nor does a large showing of planets guarantee good health. Look to this House, (whether it is the ruling planet, sign, or your personal planets that reside there), when health issues are coming your way. Whether its your child’s soccer season or historical references to women’s shirt waists, this House will help you hone in on areas of interest to you.