We Have A Winner!

As August begins and ads for back-to-school sales are showing up everywhere you look, it can be all too easy to begin letting go of summer much earlier than necessary. There is still PLENTY of time to get outdoors and:

red flowers*Go for a swim

*Ride a bike

*Pick some fresh veggies

*Lay in the sun reading a good book

*Sip some lemonade

*Soak up the abundance that comes with late summer

I hope you’re planning on a doing one or two (or all) of the above sometime soon!

We have a winner for our Psychic Reading Giveaway but, before we get around to announcing that lucky person’s name, I would like to thank you all for participating. It seems like many of you were doing great, inspiring work on your Inner Gardens this year, and I would like to share a little bit! Some of the responses we received to the question ‘How are you cultivating YOUR Inner Garden?’:

berry*Removing negativity from my life

*Creating a new vision board

*Doing yoga

*Learning from nature, which sets a great example of how to just ‘be’

*Spending alone time, in silence

*Getting rid of all the ‘weeds’


*Practicing forgiveness

*Going to school

*Finding balance

*Working in a community garden

*Letting go

I hope you’re heading into August feeling a bit more grounded, a bit stronger, and a bit more fulfilled than you started out the summer. There is always room for improvement, but be sure to also enjoy exactly where you are!

And our winner…….. Nancy Tower~ congratulations!



Psychic Reading Giveaway ends tomorrow!

Don’t miss out on your chance to win a 30-minute Psychic Reading with Love Dr Nikki!



We’re Off On Another Adventure

I’m approaching blogging as a learning experience – entirely new to the process I’m sure I’ll make a lot of mistakes along the way, but isn’t that what an adventure is all about?

I’ve been an internet hound for years.  Hating shopping in stores, I absolutely love the convenience of ordering over the internet and have my poor UPS deliveryman, John, joking with me about having been shopping again because of all the boxes he has to unload. 

There are many who are unsure if the internet is really a good thing or not.  Me, I think it’s wonderful.  It is always an adventure when you search or surf.  What will you find?  How accurate is the information?  What new things will you see and/or learn?  Where will a click of the mouse take you next?  I’m still like a 3 year old kid when I start out on a search.