Cultivating the Garden of Your Soul- Deciding What to Plant

Any Garden Takes Planning

(c) Si Griffiths

A garden does take planning – more than we sometimes give credence to. A good gardener knows where to plant each vegetable strain they are planting. Many draw out their gardens over the winter measuring to scale where they are going to put what. Seed packets, books and internet articles are searched to find the best information on how to get the most out of your garden. It helps to know what you are planting when you have to do this type of planning.

Looking At the Condition of Your Soil – Reviewing Past Successes and Failures

In the physical world this is where a lot of hobbyist gardeners try to remember what did well last year. Did the broccoli go to flower before it got big enough to harvest? What was it that got to the beans last year? Whatever it was it must have eaten well! Did the deer fence work? Would it have worked better if it had been put up earlier? Do the perennials look like they are going to make it? Maybe it would be a better idea to move the corn to the other end of the garden this year? These are just a very small example of the questions a gardener can face in their planning phase.

In our virtual garden of the soul we have to do the same. This is a very difficult task for some while for others is it a simple exercise. What do you have to look at when you are reviewing for the garden of your soul? For each person it will be different, but essentially your quest is the same as the gardener. You have to look at your past which is sometimes an uncomfortable thing to do.

The process one needs to undergo, however one chooses to do so, is to do what is sometimes referred to as “playing onion.” This is where you take the time to peel back the layers of your personality and self, layer by layer, and being brutally honest with yourself about what has been working for you and what hasn’t. Remember, lying to yourself here is the ultimate in self-destruction and sure to kill your dreams before you start them.

(c) Stan Shebs

However, completely redesigning isn’t necessary, but reviewing your past to look at your successes and your failures allows you the opportunity to prevent making the same kinds of mistakes in the future. The serious gardener tests the soil every year to make sure that the appropriate nutrients are available in the soil. In the inner garden of your soul you want to make sure that the past is reviewed so that you know how to prevent yourself from making the same mistakes again – thus allowing a “fertile” soil for you to plant your dreams in.

Plot Your Garden Space:

When you are growing your own food square footage is extremely important. You want to maximize the space that you have to get the best results possible. There are strings aplenty all over the northern hemisphere, busy helping gardeners plot out flower and vegetable gardens. By allowing the right amount of space for each plant the gardener’s yield is maximized.

In our virtual garden it is important to clear away that which does not work so that we can focus on what does work. By being honest with yourself about the condition you are in, you can then dig in with confidence and till the soil in your garden of the soul. By releasing fears and doubts we can enrich the soil of our Inner Garden and create a better garden plot. As we forgive ourselves we create room in our garden plot for our next phase: Goals, Dreams, and Needs!

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Starry Saturdays

Hello hello hello!!

Well, this week I was going to comment about the stars we can see out our window at night.  However, there’s been a problem seeing the stars out our window at night because we’ve been covered with clouds for most of the past week.  While the plants are digging the damp cool weather, personally I could do with some good old sunshine.

So..if I can’t have it, I guess I’ll just talk about…sunshine.  Bright, strong, steady, warm you up sunshine.  Yes indeedy do, that’s exactly what we need.  A good shot of sunshine to make us all a little happier.


Remember – look up! to see things of wonder!

Kitchen Table Thursdays – Mom’s Pearl

The World Is Your Oyster – Go Find Yourself A Pearl.

This was one of Mom’s favorite sayings. I don’t think I figured out what that meant until I was a teenager. Then I didn’t want oysters and pearls and allegories or metaphors. Like most teens, I wanted experience and to live my life by my own rules!

Now that I’ve had the opportunity to have that experience I have to thank Mom for cementing that phrase into my mind. It’s actually an important one that carries a lot of meaning for me. However, the deepest meaning for me is that YOU have to go find YOUR pearl – it isn’t going to just fall in your lap nice and easy.

There’s a personal responsibility for providing for one’s own happiness or financial state in there – plain and simple. We weren’t raised to expect things to be easy or given to us, we were raised that life was hard and you got out of it what you put in to it.

Another meaning is to remember to stop and smell the roses (look for the pearls) along the way. Whether it is taking a moment to watch a child at play, watching the clouds drift across a powder blue sky, or watching a spider spin her web, take time to connect with that which is within you, for in doing that you achieve the higher part of yourself.

Don’t forget the connection between pearls and wisdom either! In many of the ancient traditions the pearl is the font of wisdom. The Celts hold the pearl high in their symbolism. Animals depicted with a pearl were said to be wise. “Pearls of wisdom!” Sometimes Mom was intentionally sending me out there, knowing I would fail! She wanted me to know that I can fail and still keep going. She wanted me to understand that just because one thing didn’t work the way it was supposed to, that didn’t mean I got to throw out the whole project and quit. She wanted me to garner the wisdom that application of effort over time normally pays off to your advantage.

Now pearls are a motivation for me. Pearls remind me of Mom and the strength of character with which she lived her life. Pearls are a connection. Pearls are a reminder. What’s your pearl?

Wyrd and Wonderful Wednesday

Instant Karma.

A couple of years ago my husband and I were trapped on a plane behind one of those two year olds. She was bouncing all over the seats, standing and looking over the back of the seat and doing raspberries at us in the seat behind her. It was so bad that several of the other passengers complained. The stewardesses did what they could – they took Dad in the back and asked him to move forward and help control the child.

The flight continued with this little girl getting anything and everything she wanted, she didn’t even have to ask, all she had to do was point and grunt. Fruit juice, soda, milk, candy, candy, candy candy candy…. sweets, water, soda, candy candy candy!

Frustrated, several of us seated around this charming (and I do use that term loosely here) couple and their child started asking them directly to control the monster (who was actually quite cute and sweet looking – oval face, hair in Punky Brewster pigtails with pink bows, black velvet dress with white pintucked bib, white tights and little patent leather shoes.) The Dad’s response was a snarly and sarcastic “she’s only 2, what do you recommend I do?” Let’s just say he could not be convinced of the reality that he was 6’5″ and his tyrant of a child was maybe all of 35 pounds total.

Well, child was allowed to continue in her tyrannical ways. She pulled her mother’s hair so the Dad pulled out her little dvd player that only kept her entertained for a matter of two or three minutes because it only had one cartoon – which she obviously knew by heart because she sang it at the top of her lungs with lots of conviction!

You wondering just where Karma is in all this yet? Can you guess?

Throwing her DVD player at Dad the little heathen slapped (and I mean SLAPPED) her Mom and demanded another cookie. Mom started to refuse, but before she could guard against it the brat grabbed the cookies and gobbled them down without a breath – literally! Then she stood up on the seat and started slam dropping herself onto the seat. On the third go round of this activity, just as she was getting ready to again test the resilience of her seat cushion, PROJECTILE vomiting…all over both her parients.

The stewardesses were quick to be passing out coffee packets to ensure that the rest of the passengers around the area were kept as comfortable as possible. It was actually quite some time before there was anyone available to assist the parents!

Many a secret smile was shared among us passengers when from a few seats behind we hear someone say “thank you Karma!” It even received a smattering of applause.

Mom and Dad remained subdued through the remainder of the flight and the little hellion..oh, I mean little girl? Having carried on for literally two hours, after getting cleaned up, she slept the remainder of the flight curled up in Mom’s lap.

In the long run, the one I felt sorry for the most? That vicious little …oh, I mean that sweet little girl. Without being taught appropriate behaviors and being taught to expect everything she wants with no restraint, it may be more than a little difficult for her to cope in modern society. It also shows that while it may in the immediate be easier to just give in and let the child have their way, it may not be in the best interest of the child.

Majikal Monday

Happy Monday! Are you ready for another great week? I hope so.

Spring is making a valiant attempt to arrive here in northwest Montana – even if it does seem like it is a loosing battle. From the birds we are seeing and the green that is peeking out here and there – oh and the pussy willows too – we know that spring really is on its way!

Here on Majikal Mondays we’ll be talking about the the magic of life. We won’t be casting spells or writing them, we’ll be exploring the magic of life and the world around us.

One of my favorite quotes is from Pasteur “Chance favors the prepared mind.” it always reminds me that we need to remain open and prepared to see the wonder of life and the universe. We tend to get wound up in our day to day lives, taking care of kids, running errands, doing chores, caring for our loved ones. We are taking care of business and what is important.

We have to remind ourselves (prepare) that there is more to life than just the taking care of business. It doesn’t take a lot to prepare yourself to be open to the magic of life. It’s not the same for all of us.

For one it might be a slew of powder blue in the drainage ditch on the side of the road that is a patch of forget-me-nots. For someone else the magic may be in seeing a child chasing a butterfly.

For another it may be the sight of a mature big horn sheep standing on a rock. For some it might be a symphony by Mozart or a work from Haydn. The Mona Lisa, the Walking Man statue, or The Who’s rock opera – Tommy; much of what is made by man can strike the spark of magic in our hearts – for it is from that spark of magic that our greatest achievements, thoughts, and feelings come.

The appreciation of these magical moments of life is easy when one is setting out to specifically do that thing. Want an uplift on the way to work? Count how many flowers/trucks/art deco buildings or whatever on your way. By the mere fact of seeking them out, the average person will see more flowers/trucks/etc. because they are consciously prepared to do so. They are actively looking for that moment. The really great thing is that it is a positive feedback system. You are “rewarded” by looking for what brings you joy in life by seeing something that brings you joy in life – when you have *prepared* for it.

Here on Majikal Mondays we’ll be posting hints and tips on how to connect to that majik that is within all of us. We’d also love to hear what is a “majikal moment” for you!

My majikal moment today? Seeing an eagle on wing taking a short cruise and then returning to it’s nest. Or was it the tiny white flower peeking out from under the bull pine needles in the flowerbed? Or the feeling of relief walking *out* of the endodontist office knowing the work is done!

Honestly, before you know it, you are seeing majikal moments everywhere…because you have remembered to look for them…that’s all it takes.

We’d love to hear what some of your majikal moments are! We’ll be posting on Mondays with lots of things about living life “majikally” by connecting to that which brings you true joy.

Community Garden Happenings

Howdy folks! 

Tuesdays we’ll be keeping everyone posted on what’s happening in our community vegetable garden. We grow way more food than any five families could eat, so we overgrow and give food away to those that are in need.

This past weekend was rather successful for the garden. Chris came by and spent the day with his two helpers. Before they left everything had been rototilled, raked, the strawberries pulled from the old bed and the new pyramid bed put in. So we are ready to plant. Tomorrow we’ll be putting down the ground plastic and if it’s not raining we’ll plot her out as well.

The starts are doing well in the back porch, getting what sun we have been getting in our chilly and wet spring. We’ll be doing more transplanting this week and some replacing as well…that way we’ll have a longer harvest period. *smile*

The potatoes, onions, garlic and blueberries are here as well. The blueberries will be potted and put out on the porch. We’ll be getting the onions, garlic and potatoes in the ground this week. We’ve got plenty of tires and two pounds of each of three different types of seed potatoes! It sure worked good last year so we’re doing the tire thing again for the taters.

Onions…only three types there. And the garlic? Well, we figured we’d give elephant garlic a try because it’s hard to find in the stores here.

Time to go get those potatoes ready for plantin’!

Starry Saturdays

Have you had the joy of looking out at the night sky from a dark area and really see the stars? Have you had the humbling experience of seeing out own Milky Way Galaxy crossing the night sky.

When I was a kid, like many in my age group, Carl Sagan, author, scientist and more – oh what a crush! We miss you Carl. You made it sexy to say “we are all star stuff.”

Star stuff is what Starry Saturdays are all about. Whether you just think the photo of the Horsehead Nebulae is just cool looking, or the act of creation in its most stupendous form, it is difficult to remain unmoved.

In my opinion NASA is the best place to go to see lots of some of the best star field photos every taken. And it’s free. Here’s one of my favorite starting point on their website:

Yeah, it’s that “how great Thou art” thing.

Dr. Nikki

Fashion Fridays

Okay, so some blog pages are just for a guilty pleasures and this is it. Here in Fashion Fridays we’ll be looking at fashion in all her guises.

What about fashion intrigues or interests you? Is it to follow trends and make sure you look your best with the lastest styles and dos? Do you watch fashion and Wall Street and see how the two correlate? (There’s lots of discussion about skirt length and DOW Jones Industrial trends!)

Me, I’m a sucker for studying fashion through the ages and how that relates to the socio-political and even religious ties of the time.

Today I want to just share a links:
This is an absolutely awesome site with more drool factor than should be allowed. Penny has done a fabulous job and keeps updating the site regularly with more and more information and fun.

Next week, to stick with the spirituality side of the fence, we’ll look at liturgical embroideries!

Talking Table Thursdays

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Growing up as a kid we could talk about anything at my Mother’s kitchen table. You had to keep it civil, and you had to defend your position, but open debate and frank discussion were strongly encouraged. We’re considering Table Talk Thursdays to honor and continue that legacy. We’ll be choosing topics from current events, happenings, what people want to talk about and issues in the news/world to discuss. If you have a topic you’d like to see covered, please post us a comment and we’ll add it to the discussing.

Today it’s the power of a smile. My husband and I are fortunate enough to live near Glacier National Park where we like to go hike as often as we can. While much of the time we have the trails to ourselves, as the season progresses there are more and more hikers on the trails. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like we’re all stacked back to back like the miners heading to Alaska going over the Chilcoot Trail! But there are more people than in the early spring.

When we hike I have made it a point to smile and say hello to everyone we see on the trail. It’s been a fun little experiment and I think my husband has had more fun with it than I with it because he got to see more of the reactions from people than I did. What did we find? Some people got it and smiled back, many that smiled even said hi. However, more would give a hesitant smile and from what husband reports more often than not the people would turn and look back at me after they had passed me. I found in fun that a simple smile and hello could be received in such a wide disparity of ways.

I’d love to hear how it turns out for you to try your smile experiment! I strongly recommend doing it with another person who can observe the people you have smiled at once you are out of their sight. That’s where the fun comes in! Besides, what’s it hurt to share a smile?

Feel better, share a smile today!

Wyrd and Wonderful Wednesday

Howdy and Happy Hump Day!  It’s Wednesday and at noon the work week is official half over for those on the 8 to 5, 40 hour a week clock.

Today we are introducing our new Wednesday forum – the Wyrd and Wonderful. No, it isn’t about some role playing game, and we aren’t going to play wizards and warlocks. What we are going to do is look around the net and find something within what we call the “wyrd and wonderful.” This was a phrase a bunch of us used to use back in the mid-70s for all those interesting happenings. Things like crop circles, alien abductions, ghosts, omens and more. If you have an experience, we’d love to have you share it with us here! Whether it is a prescient dream, a goosebump, or a shiver, c’mon by and tell us about it.

For this week, we’ll talk briefly about spirit signs. Now, don’t get too caught up in the venacular. That is just a label. Here’s what we mean by “spirit sign”:

For several years I was lucky enough to get to ride around most of northwest Montana with my husband while we were doing deliveries. This is a very special place of the country where wolves, bear, elk, deer and big horn can all be seen easily from riding in the car. This was a special treat for the both of us because it allowed us to have time together and to see some wonderful stuff at the same time.

Since we work out of the home, escaping in just about any way is a big treat. A few years ago we were going through a difficult time and decided to take a short “brain break” by visiting the east side of Glacier National Park.

We went out for a ride over to the east side of the Great Divide, visiting the Many Glaciers area of Glacier National Park. We had an awesome day in the park, a short hike up to Josephine Lake and we had gotten to see a lynx at the lakeshore, big horn were above all over the slopes, and the eagles that live in that area were not being shy about showing themselves.

We did our traditional drive through the campgrounds and parking areas, using binoculars to look at the sheep doing their thing on the high alpine slopes. Needless to say we were both awestruck and thrilled to have seen such a variety and quantity of wildlife on the trip.

As the day was starting to wear on, we decided to head for home. As we were pulling around one of the blind curves that opens up into a sloped meadow Sam said “It sure would be nice to see a whole herd of elk.” We come around the corner and. lo and behold, there in the meadow on the upper side of the road is a herd of about 60 elk! I would leave it to coincidence if it had only happened once…but that is not the case. My dear Mr. Sam (referred to as “oh he who makes the elk appear”) “commanded” the elk numerous times…and still does.

It may not seem to be the biggest in the realm of wyrd and wonderful, but it sure was one of the more fun ones for me. The real kewl part of it was that for quite some time after that, there weren’t a lot of problems with business and things turned around and were heading in a positive direction in a matter of days! The elk, a member of the deer family, was letting us know that we needn’t be worried and that everything was fine. And, well, they were right.