So very grateful!
in Uncategorized/by Dr NikkiHey Hey Hey! Check it out!
Our most heartfelt thanks go out to all the folks making donations to our Garden of Giving over at GoFundMe! We just got the final donation to pay for all of the Organic Fertilizer in our garden to help feed the hungry in our community!
Animal Speak- the Fox
in Uncategorized/by Dr NikkiThrough his long association with man, fox has received an negative reputation. Although still thought beautiful, they have been maligned and called pest. England still reels with the political ramifications of the long held tradition of the fox hunt. It is the ultimate image of the English countryside: Lords in red jackets with velvet trim and white pants and spats riding amidst side-saddled Ladies in habits of autumn hues, riding to the hounds as they chase the wily fox to ground. What most don’t realize is that our association with fox goes back much further in our history and is much closer to use than we choose to accept. Both Iron Age and Neolithic Age excavations have shown fox’s importance to man by inclusion in sacrificial and/or burial pits.
Our fascination with the beauty of the fox is apparent in the modern vernacular. A woman who is “foxy” is attractive. Vixen is the name given to the female of the fox species; today when you call a woman a vixen you are indicating that she is of a sly an deceitful nature. From these associations it is easy to see the sexual and sensual importance of Fox as a Totem. Fox calls to your feminine energy, your receptive side. Open yourself to the joys she can bring.
To truly understand Fox as a Totem animal, you must study fox as who she really is. Fox is playful. She symbolizes shape shifting and invisibility. She is a master of the art of camouflage. Although most are familiar with the red fox, there are actually 21 species of fox throughout the world. Although there are a wide variety of species, many characteristics are common to the fox. Large ears with fur growth channeling sound into the ear; delicate long legs that look — almost but not quite – spindly; a sharp pointed snout; and a full bushy tail.
Individual species have different fur patterns and colors. From a black so dark it almost shimmers iridescent in the sunlight to a white so pristine you can’t tell the arctic fox from the snow he stands on, the fox can appear in a wide range of colors. This is one of the strongest of Fox Totem’s attributes – That of camouflage. Fox can easily “hide in the bushes and watch” until it is time to seize the moment. Fox hides well. Fox can show you how to fade into the woodwork so that you can observe nearly unseen. Much knowledge can be garnered by quiet listening.
Fox calls to the holders of its totem to reunite with the Oneness of all things. Through reuniting with the Oneness you can “will yourself away” and be able to achieve a state of “invisibility.” No, not like the Invisible Man, more like the arctic fox who lays in wait quietly upon the snow waiting for the lemming to reveal its movements beneath the snow through sound. Intent and unmoving the fox will wait for the sound of one of its favorite treats scurrying below the surface of the snow.
Some accuse Fox of being cruel and playing with its prey. Having watched an arctic fox as she pounced in the snow which covered an Alaska high alpine meadow, I can see why many think her hunting style a cruel game. The fox will hold itself completely still, using its ears to best advantage to hear the rustling of grass and leaves below the snow. Once she has located the sound of her prey she pounces. And Pounces, and pounces. Between pouncings she will hold herself so still that if she closes her eyes you can loose her in the white. Her delicate forepaw lifted as she watched the ground before her. She was not playing with her prey. She’s using that pointy snout to its best advantage by diving through the snow to snatch the prey running in tunnels in the snow at ground level. The continued pouncing was required to catch the scurrying lemming beneath the surface.
By changing the color of her fur with the seasons the Arctic Fox shows not only adaptability to the colder climates, she shows us we should be willing to accept change that is good for us. If Fox seems to be nagging at you, she may be telling you to look around and see who is watching you. Are you being observed too closely? Fox reminds us to see if we are pushing ourselves too much in the forefront – would it be better to fade back and wait for another time to make the leap?
With its long history of magic and cunning Fox is a power totem. Delicate in her body structure she has strength. Her strength is both that of body and mind. She knows how to find the stillness within to allow her to hide from her prey, but her predators as well. Around the world — from the richness of Persia where Fox was believed to help the deceased enter the afterworld to the heights of Peru where the Fox was a God. Apaches lore tells of how the fox stuck the tip of its tail into fire in order to bring fire to mankind.
Fox has long been associated with that which is the essence of the true wilderness: wildness at its most pristine, Mother Nature at her most cunning. The Fox lives among us even though we rarely see her. She has found a home in urban and suburban settings as well as the high cold wild places she represents. From the wilderness Fox brings us the knowledge of the wild places. She reminds us how to be silent and watch. She is emblematic to many of the loss of wild places where she was free to range and roam.
Fox energy speaks of fertility. Looking at the physical structure of the fur of Fox we learn much about energy and fertility. Fox has layers of fur. Short downier fur is covered by longer coarser fur to create a coat that is a great insulator and storehouse of warmth. Fox’s fur coat makes her seem much larger than she truly is. In some species the fur can be as much as three to four inches thick.
Fox Fur is thought by some archaeologists and anthropologist to be a symbol of royalty or special place within the tribe. On one of the many bog bodies that has been found, a fox fur armband is thought to point out his importance. The full bushy tail of the fox is thought to hold great magic. Called the brush, it is an important part of fox medicine. In the cold of the night Fox is warm because her tail covers her legs, nose and feet, giving protection and warmth. I have seen an arctic hair do this and literally disappear from site even as I watched her settle her tail into place. Remember that Fox tells us that watching and waiting may be better than rushing in.
Animal Speak- the Seal
in Uncategorized/by Dr NikkiSeals were thought to be shape-shifters in many cultures. Tales abound of seals coming to the shore and removing their outer skin and glossy dense fur. As women they walk upon the earth. They may return to the sea by simply putting back on the skin and fur and many were reported to do so. It was believed that if the skin and fur were found by a man and kept hidden the selchie could not return to the sea and she would marry the man who found her. There are many twists and turns to this tale as it is told throughout different cultures. It is believed that the stories of mermen and merwomen were based on the Seal.
Seal is an excellent swimmer. With her sleek design, strong flippers and amazing ability to hold her breath for extended periods of time, she zooms through the depths hunting and playing in the watery realm. When it is time to give birth she climbs back upon the land – whether a rocky outcrop, or a beach – and gives birth to her young. Whether harbor seal or elephant seal, leaving the water and returning to land to give birth is part of the order of pinnipedia to which seals belong. As young, seals are nearly helpless. Without their mother’s care they are lost to the elements and predators. The Seal also seeks connection with the drier earth by coming ashore for rest and basking in the sun.
One of Seals most remarkable adaptations are its ears. Although just small openings, nothing to get in the way of their swimming in the watery realm, seals are known for a good sense of hearing. The emphasis on the ears also speaks about balance in your life. When you carry Seal Totem you carry the power to create your own balance just by being aware of where you are and what you are doing. Seal doesn’t worry about the water when basking in the sun. Seal knows the water will be there when she returns. Learn the Balance that comes with being in the moment from your Seal Totem.
Seal Totem tells you it is okay to be strong in yourself. Make your choices based on your inner feelings and knowing, not the words of others. However, do not miss the opportunity of garnering important information by listening appropriately. Even the Greeks held myths of virginal nymphs who would turn into seals to escape from men who were pursuing them. The seagod Proteus has these nymphs turned seals as part of his entourage.
In Northern regions Seal is sacred. Clothing made of seal fur was normally given to women. Seal fur was used to swaddle the young because of its insulative and spiritually protective properties. Sacred medicine bags were made from Seal. For the northern tribes the seal was much like the buffalo to the Plains Indians. Seal provided oil for lamps, mean to eat, fur, sinew and bone. Nothing was wasted for to waste would be to dishonor Seal’s sacrifice in giving it’s life to provide sustenance to man.
With Seal granting you her Totem, she is calling to you to open your creativity to the light of the world. Seal’s energy, although feminine and receptive, is still dynamic and extremely powerful. Those that have lived near them, or made a study of them, realize that Seal is playful. Seal takes the most from each moment. Seal reminds us to live in the now while we set the foundation to create the future we hope to find. Seal also challenges you to look to yourself for your own answers. If you are lonely Seal shows you the joy in gathering in a group, as seals normally live in communities with group sizes ranging from a few to literally hundreds.
Due to the waterproofing qualities of it’s oil and it’s beautiful dense fur many species of the seal were hunted nearly to extinction. Now, news reports occasionally show the human interest story about the guy who has to wait for the seals to leave the pier before he can get to his boat. Seal is regenerative power personified. From the brink of extinction they have returned to beguile us with the selchie song once again.
Seal calls to you to accept the feminine within you. She calls with her mournful calls that sound so close to human lamentation. As a creature at home in the depths of the sea she calls you to go within the depths of yourself to your inner center, to your inner pearl. Some cultures believed that the pearl held great wisdom and power. Certain animals were associated with this gem – fox and otter are two. Because of her association with the depths, and that in some of the species the pups are born covered in downy white fur, and the richness of the heavy creamy milk she provides her young, Seal also claims the pearl for her stone.
Long associated with magic, the Seal is a powerful totem to those who work with energy. Whether as a healer, preacher, minister, psychic or doctor, looking to Seal when needed healing energy will help get you through. As a creature that truly lives neither in the sea nor on the land the Seal is viewed as slipping between worlds. This association is repeated within the spiritual realm as well. Look to your totem held by Seal when you need the strength and clarity of mind and the moment to enter the Within to make proper choice.
Even sailors held the seal special. Men whose superstitions ranged through a wide variety of subjects to keep going to sea safe, considered it an ill omen to not help a seal who was in trouble. Great efforts would be expended to help a seal that was in difficulty. This ranged from everything from releasing seals from nets or hooks to trying to help heal a wounded seal. The sailors care of the seal was based on the belief that by helping the animal they would earn smooth sailing and clear skies for their voyage.
The Totem of the Seal is a strong totem of immense power and the capability of great gifts. By connecting with your feminine, by tapping in to the realm of the otherworld, by learning the lessons of Seal and turning to Seal for guidance, you can truly move between the outer and inner realms of the self, being able to tap into the inner force that is your true self and true knowing.
Animal Speak- the Hare
in Uncategorized/by Dr NikkiFrom the modern movie “The Matrix” where Neo is told to follow the White Rabbit to find the world underneath, to the childhood story of Alice chasing the March Hare through the hole. Jefferson Starship’s hit “White Rabbit” alluded to the magic that Hare can bring. Our modern vernacular still refers to someone being “crazy as a March hare.” (When really, there was no craziness at all. March was the time of the lengthening of days, that which the rabbit had been doing under the cover of darkness was now occurring in the early morning’s light and the fading of the day. Man could see hare’s acting erratically in the fields and hedgerows. What man then interpreted as insanity or craziness was actually the normal mating ritual for the animal. March is normally the best time to watch for this particularly dance consisting of zigs and zags and boxing matches. By the time April arrives, growth on the lower vegetation again hides the hare’s ritualized behavior from man’s eyes.
Hare is representative of the Corn Spirit and the two Equinoxes. Rebirth, fertile abundance and willing release are all considered to be part of Hare Totem’s energy. Sacred to the Goddess they have been a symbol of luck through numerous cultures down through the ages. Many a keychain still has the proverbial “lucky rabbit’s foot” that is supposed to bring protection to the owner. Although providing the foot may not be lucky for the rabbit, the association has not changed over thousands of years.
Transformation, fertility and healing energy are all within the realm of Hare energy. Rabbits were used as auguries for the future. There is a legend that the Warrior Celtic Chief Boudicca of the Iceni who went to war against the Romans after she and her daughters suffering terribly at their hand used a rabbit in such a way. Before leading her tribe and their allies against the might of Rome when addressing her warriors she concealed a rabbit within her skirts. At the appropriate time she allowed the hare to escape. The startled animal bolted quickly and darted to the side of the field that was considered “auspicious” for the Iceni’s efforts.
Many of us are familiar with the Easter Bunny. Many a Sunday School teacher has been stumped with the simple childish question of “But, if Easter is celebrating Christ’s rising from the grave, what’s that got to do with chocolate rabbits?” The entity we call the Easter Bunny today can be traced back to Alban Eiler (the Spring Equinox). This pagan festival celebrated the rebirth of life and the coming of spring and the beginning of the growing period. Hare was sacred to the Saxon Goddess Eostre (the root of the word “Easter”). The ancients thought hare could make eggs magically appear because of the way similarities between the nest of the hare and that of the lapwing. Hare, as Goddess brought new life and rebirth at the Spring Equinox (now you know why the new clothes for Easter Sunday too). The early Christian Church capitalized on these pagan roots and, transforming them to Christian Symbology, absorb them into the culture. It is not an unreasonable step. In the Christian belief, Easter is the time of the Resurrection, the ultimate rebirth. Even now Christians newly found to their faith are referred to as “born again.”
It wasn’t until the Romans moved north to the Celtic regions that rabbit became more of a meat source. Until that time they were allowed free reign and left to live free to honor the Corn Spirit. However, the power of Hare totem is easily seen in the belief of Celtic seamen that “hare” was one of the taboo words never to be said at sea. This is contrary to the more widely held association of luck and well being and fertility with the hare.
Not exactly known for a having a warrior’s heart, hares are considered timid and easily frightened. There is a native American traditional tale that talks of how the Rabbit was rewarded for poor behavior by Eye Walker with the curse not only of fear itself, but that Rabbit and his tribe would call that which they feared most. Rabbit is nicknamed “the fear caller.” Although fear, like any emotion, not controlled can paralyze, it can also create moments of intense clarity and strength. Fear can be used to help hone one’s instincts. Sometimes it is best to hide in the bushes and watch!
Carrying Hare Totem can give you strength and clarity. Hare normally stays hidden in his burrow during the heat of the day, snoozing away in the coolness his hole provides. A creature more of the night realms hare moves easily in the shadows from pale moonlight. Hare’s ties to the Moon and lunar energies is easily seen in their procreation cycle. In 28 days from birth the new litter is ready to go out on it’s own. If the mother is not already brooding she may let them stay. However, once she quickens, she is quick to push them out of the nest to make room for her new young.
Hare energy is celebrated in many traditions. Even the Brier Rabbit stories many of us grew up with hearing from “Uncle Reamus” or watched in the Disney movie, are based on tribal African tales. In many of these adventures the Rabbit is shown as wiley and, if restraint isn’t applied, conniving. The Cluny Tapestries utilize hare symbolism in their mille fluer beauty. Because of its associations in several cultures rabbit was a forbidden food. There is a Shi’ite belief that the hare is an incarnation of Muhammad’s son-in-law, Ali. In Japan tales are told of the White hare of Oki. The Chinese veneration of Hare is shown in the Rabbit being one of the 12 animal years of the Chinese Zodiac.
Hare energy is sometimes misunderstood. Those who Hare has chosen to grant her Totem to would do well watching before they take a step. Take the lesson that Hare so obviously gives: Is there an easier way? Beware lest you turn the corner from ease to conniving…it is sometimes a very short turn. Remember that Hare, although sometimes paralyzed with fear, is also a prolific breeder and quite a success at survival.
We are reminded of how Hare can be one of the animals to help us as we travel to the Underworld in many ways. The burrow that the rabbit calls home is normally snug and warm and below the level of the earth. The rabbit seeks protection from the earth mother. With connection to the lunar cycle and rebirth hare can show you new ways of thinking about yourself and your situation.
If Hare is placing herself into your life now, you may want to try to reevaluate the situation. What is it that you are afraid of? Are you causing the situation you fear the most to happen? Are you missing the fertility of the situation because of your fear? Should you hold your position and wait and see what happens? We talk of the hare being paralyzed by fear, actually, it is a good defense mechanism for Hare. By freezing and making no movement Hare essentially becomes invisible to many of her natural predators. Hare’s messages are clear and distinct when you study her life cycle and patterns.
The Rune Algiz
in Uncategorized/by Dr Nikki Algiz carries the message of the benefits of protection found in emotional control. Although you can anticipate your path and you can see the progress you have achieved, now the wisdom of emotional control and deliberate determination is your ally.
Algiz is aligned with the mighty Elk, considered by many to be ruler of the northern climes. The old elk stands quietly, proud and noble. Rarely does he resort to actually fighting with the young bucks, knowing that most will run as soon as he snorts and stomps a hoof. The Elk knows where the best food within his range is. He knows the does in his harem. The Elk is noble. He wisely waits to see what has spooked the less stout-hearted does. But when his delicate sense of smell picks up the scent of a big cat or the mighty grizzly the Elk knows it is time to retreat and consolidate. The Elk knows that by giving ground one can actually be gaining.
Algiz is considered to be an excellent rune to contemplate for meditative purposes. When Algiz appears in your casting it is sure to be telling you to think about things! Are you missing an opportunity because it isn’t exactly what you hoped for? Considered to be the Protection Rune, and a rune of healing, when used correctly in meditation and self-introspection it can help achieve a state of enlightenment.
Algiz reminds us to be mindful of the physical house of our spiritual essence. Simply put, what that means is – take care of your body. For those of the Mormon faith (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) and many other belief systems, the body is a temple of God. True believers of these systems are not allowed to eat or drink anything harmful to the body including such common substances as caffeine. This is a modern example of Algiz’s energy. By taking care of your body, treating it as a temple, a housing of your spiritual self that is connected to all you create a stronger self to move forward on your life path.
Algiz speaks of the more mature aspects of temperance and wisdom. Algiz may be attempting to get you to understand that there are others who are using your energies because you are allowing it to happen. Many followers of the Runes wear Algiz as a protection from the negative forces of the outer world.
Algiz carries a warning – if you find yourself experiencing a period of difficulty which is painful, be honest and stick with the experience. As you work through the issue, look around and evaluate what your part in creating the discomfort truly is. Are you shooting yourself in the foot without realizing it? Watch for new interests, but use your good judgment when pursuing them. Allow yourself to experience the lesson Algiz offers – your future beckons!
Algiz – Protection
Algiz is one of Hagal’s Aett.
Key Word(s): Keywords associated with Algiz are, of course, protection, reed, and guardianship. (Remember it is the reeds that protect the delicate creatures and plants of the swamps and marsh by providing a small barrier. It is upon the reeds that new land grows out of the wet areas).
Element: Algiz is aligned with the element of Air, signifying that you should not get yourself bogged down in things that truly have no value.
Zodiac Sign: Algiz is aligned with the sign of the Fish. The Piscean energy works in conjuction with Algiz’s creative force.
Tarot Link: Algiz is linked with the Tarot card The Moon. While the Moon represents things unknown or hidden, it can also talk about intuition, the imagination, and the unfolding of latent intuitions.
Color: The color gold is associated with Algiz. When you see gold, whether the muted tones of harvest gold, or the bright sheen of the metal itself, think to Algiz!
Polarity: Algiz is a rune of true polarity, carrying both male and female energy.
Healing Property: As a protective rune Algiz is directly related to physical healing. It specifically helps with issues relating to headaches and issues of the brain including psychological disorders.
Modern Letter Counterpart: Modern Rune masters can’t seem to make up their mind on the Letter Counterpart of Algiz. Some say it is X or Z, while others give it a higher connection to the vowel E and the transitory letter Y.
Special Runic Associations: Algiz is one of the Runes in the Physical Healing group.
A walk through the Runes, video series intro.
in Uncategorized/by Dr NikkiThe first in a series of videos from Love Dr Nikki at, sharing her knowledge of the Rune system of divination! Enjoy!