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Information on the individual cards of the tarot deck

Tarot cards have been given many associations over the years. They were created by the Egyptians. NO! It was the Rom as they moved North in their travels! NO! It was the Golden Dawn Society. Wait! Wasn’t it the Hell Rake club of late Victorian nobility?

Actually, it was none of those. Tarot began as a card game among the aristocracy of the European Continent, primarily Italy. It is believed that at one time the great houses of the time competed with each other to have the most beautiful deck created for their Houses. The game was a card game of strategy and skill, played by numerous players and could provide a rainy afternoon’s entertainment at an Italian Villa!

Today the Tarot isn’t used much to play the card game anymore as much as it is used in Cartomancy. The Tarot has made several permutations over the years, but the archetypes they represent can call to all of us. There’s a wide variety of decks based on differing religious belief systems and even movies or fiction books. On our website we use the Matt Myers Art Nouveau Tarot. Thanks to US Games Systems Inc. for the use of the images – if you decide to purchase your own deck, we strongly recommend US Games Systems Inc. as your outlet if you want something new! If used is okay with you, there’s almost always a deck on e-bay for a considerably reduced price.


Ruled by the element of Water


Ruled by the element of Air

(also known as Spades)


Ruled by the element of Fire

(also known as Wands)


Ruled by the element of Earth

(also known as Pentacles)

Tarot Readings