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Two of Coins (Pentacles)

Although the design is agreed upon, the exact method of how to move forward to turn the design from concept into reality is being debated. The woman reaches across and grabs the man’s arm trying to coerce him into seeing it her way, while at the same time the man reaches toward the design in an effort to convince her to see it his way. Their faces are set and determined.

The Two of Coins talks about difficulties at the beginning of a new endeavor. It may take additional energy to get things going. The card warns that misfortune may be in the offing if you aren’t paying attention to the world around you. If you see the couple in congenial debate, maybe the meaning you should take is that you have the capacity to roll with the flow, incorporating new information and creating a reality that brings true joy and happiness, not the transitory riches of money. The Two of Coins may also indicate public embarrassment – we are allowed to see the couple when they are not at their best.


Ruled by the element of Water


Ruled by the element of Air

(also known as Spades)


Ruled by the element of Fire

(also known as Wands)


Ruled by the element of Earth

(also known as Pentacles)

Tarot Readings