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Queen – Cups

In the full bloom of her maturity the Queen sits upon her throne painted blue. Her gown is a luxurious flowing of ripples of the colors of the seas and the waters. Creating a delicate halo around her head is a stained glass window of water lilies. The untapped abundance of the queen is represented in not only the full cup of water she holds out in invitation, but also in the budded state of the lilies in the window behind her. Her beauty is well appreciated and her surety in her position is wrapped around her like a glowing essence.

The Queen of Cups normally represents a warm hearted and caring person who will become or already is becoming very important to you. She reaches out to you in friendship. From her kind eyes you can see she is practical and honest, combining the higher emotive qualities of practicality of one who has had to live by their wits. She may be challenging you to apply your wits to your current situation. She brings the cup of human kindness, but still reminds us that not all that extend a cup are our friends.


Ruled by the element of Water


Ruled by the element of Air

(also known as Spades)


Ruled by the element of Fire

(also known as Wands)


Ruled by the element of Earth

(also known as Pentacles)

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