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8-PentaclesTarot can be as simple or as complicated as one makes it. Some readers go specifically by the associated divinatory meaning of the card. Each deck, when bought new, has at least a booklet with the meaning of the cards. Many decks are available with full books that go with them. There are even decks with bullet statements and notes on them to remind the reader of the meaning. Other readers go strictly by what “jumps out” of the card at them. Both these methods are totally acceptable and are probably the most used.2-Swords

Here at DrNikki.Com we believe in a multidimensional approach to the interpretation of the cards. We not only use the lay-out or spread wherein each spot in the spread is assigned certain definitions such as Past-Present-Future, and the meaning of the card. There is much more.

The numbers on the cards can have meaning. The symbology of the archetypes is there to be called upon. There are relationships between the cards.

Whether choosing a card a day for focus and meditation or doing a full life spread, the Tarot can help us look into ourselves for our own answers. In other sections we have looked at the Major and Minor Arcana. Here we’ll be looking at the individual numbers assigned to the Minor Arcana Cards.


Ruled by the element of Water


Ruled by the element of Air

(also known as Spades)


Ruled by the element of Fire

(also known as Wands)


Ruled by the element of Earth

(also known as Pentacles)

Tarot Readings