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Nine of Coins (Pentacles)

The woman holds up the coin so the couple can admire their work. Through joint effort and application they have created a thing of beauty. The potential power of the creation is seen in the energy of the flowing ripples in her gown.

The Nine speaks to us of the earnest gains of honest accomplishment. By having walked the path and learned the appropriate value of the coin the woman is able to understand it’s true value. She is unresistant to the man’s hold on her arm. Entranced they both study the bounty she holds. This card also speaks to us of the endless bounty of mother earth and from nature. If you find the couple smug and atavistic, are you acting in bad faith? Is someone treating you unfairly? Are you putting money ahead of things that are more important? Are your priorities appropriate for who you are and what you want to manifest?


Ruled by the element of Water


Ruled by the element of Air

(also known as Spades)


Ruled by the element of Fire

(also known as Wands)


Ruled by the element of Earth

(also known as Pentacles)

Tarot Readings