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Ten of Coins (Pentacles)

The couple sit with the new window finished behind them. Well supported by connections at the cardinal points (representative of the cardinal directions), the couple are comfortable in their bounty. They are enjoying the satisfaction of a job well done.

The Ten of Coins is a card of financial well being and feeling comfortable, both emotionally and financially. It speaks also of family matters and peaceful accord within the family unit. It may represent inheritance, but not one that is painful to receive. If you think the couple are a little too perfect there may be issues in your life that make you feel negatively such as loss, being the subject of a theft, or making poor choices for yourself. Let the light of the new window the couple has built together show you the promise of setting a goal and working diligently to make that goal become a reality.


Ruled by the element of Water


Ruled by the element of Air

(also known as Spades)


Ruled by the element of Fire

(also known as Wands)


Ruled by the element of Earth

(also known as Pentacles)

Tarot Readings